What species is Jar Jar Binks?
Who captures Anakin and Obi Wan?
Count Dooku
Who captures Anakin and Obi Wan Kenobi?
General Grevious
"General Grevious, you are shorter then I imagined" -Anakin Skywalker
What is the name of the counselor ship that Darth Vader boarded?
Tantive IV
What is the name of the planet that the Rebel Alliance is on in this movie?
What was Obi Wan's rank in this Movie?
Padawan Learner
What planet does Anakin and Padme go to, in order to help Obi Wan Kenobi?
Who does Anakin rescue from Count Dooku and Genaral Grevious?
Chancellor Palpatine
What did Princess Leia hide in R2 D2
The Death Star plans and a message to Obi Wan.
What is the name of the animal that Han and Luke ride on Hoth?
Taun Taun
What kind of lightsaber did Darth Maul have in this movie?
Red Double-Bladed
Who rescues the Jedi with the Clone Troopers?
Who defeats Count Dooku?
*Daily Double*
Anakin Skywalker
"My powers have double since we last met" - Anakin Skywalker
What planet did the Death Star destroy?
*Worth triple points*
Who tells Luke to go seek out Yoda?
Force Ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi
What was the mission of Qui Gon and Obi Wan when they boarded the Trade Federation ship?
Trade dispute with Naboo
What plans are given to Count Dooku after his defeat at the battle of Geonosis?
The Death Star Plans
What is Order 66?
The Betrayal of the Jedi by the Chancellor.
"Execute order 66" - Darth Sidious
Who rescues Princess Leia from her prison cell?
Luke, Han and Chewie
How does Han Solo escape the Empire leaving Hoth?
They hid with the trash
Who won the pod race in the movie?
*Daily Double*
Little Anakin
What Jedi ordered the production of the clone troopers?
*Bonus 100 points*
Jedi Master Syfo Dias
Who survives Order 66?
*-500 points extra if answered incorrectly*
Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi
His fighter was knocked out of the path of the explosion.
Who betrays Han Solo in Cloud City?
Lando Calrissian