Movies Series
Fishing for a Phish
Who Said That?
Philly Fan Favorites

This movie franchise spans over a decade of films and revolves around the numerous escapades of many different superheroes. Highlighted by a man in metal armor and a man from the past. 

What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe


This fundamental Microsoft Azure service provides virtual machines, app services, and other resources for hosting web applications and services.

What is Azure App Service


True or False: If you suspect that an email is a Phish, you should send it to your team.  



This Philadelphia legend in a moment of celebration, highlighted the parade by saying, "I’m going to take a second to talk to you about underdogs". 

Who is Jason Kelce


This Philly icon ran through the streets of Philly in this 1976 sports film.

Rocky Balboa


This film franchise started as a book adaptation about the resurrection and modification of dinosaurs.

What is Jurassic Park


Azure SQL Database is an example of this type of service in Azure, which allows users to deploy and manage databases without managing the underlying infrastructure.

What is a Platform as a Service


True or False: When reading a suspected Phish, poor grammar can be an indicator.  



This fan favorite radio commentator called "Bedlam at the Bank" as the Phillies advanced to the World Series for the first time since 2009. 

Who is Scott Franzke


Philly is home to iconic mascots. Name at least one of them.

Who is the Philly Phanatic, Gritty, Swoop, Franklin or Phang.


This series stars Tom Cruise and is about the many espionage missions his secret government unit goes on.  

What is Mission Impossible


Azure Blob Storage is designed for storing large amounts of unstructured data, but it also offers this feature, which allows users to trigger functions in response to events in Azure services or custom events.

What are Azure Functions


In this scenario, you receive an email saying that there is a company benefit to redeem and the benefit in the email had not been previously discussed. What is something that you should not do? 

What is:

"Click on it without verifying it's legitimacy" "Forward the email to other colleagues"


This longest-running continuous folk parade in the United States has a famous song called "Oh Dem Golden Slippers"

What is the Mummers Parade


These infielders made up the iconic infield trio that defined the 2007-2011 Phillies playoff runs.

Who is Ryan Howard, Chase Utley, and Jimmy Rollins


This series starts with a New York cop having to save an office Christmas party from a group whose leader was played by actor Alan Rickman. 

What is Die Hard


This Azure service is a fully managed platform that enables developers to build, deploy, and scale applications using popular languages such as .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, and PHP.

What is Azure App Service


In this scenario, you receive an email from a coworker, and it makes an unusual request. What could you do to verify the email?

What is: 

"Ask the coworker outside of the email if they sent it" 

"Check the sender's information to make sure it is accurate"


This Philly sports legend famously said "we talkn bout practice!"

Who is Allen Iverson


The Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles have provided years of entertainment for all. Between the three of them, in the Super Bowl Era, how many League Championships do they have? 

What is 5; 

Flyers have 2 (1973-74, 1974-75), Eagles have 1 (2017), and the Phillies have 2 (1980, 2008)


This franchise recently was about humanity causing the rise of intelligent apes. 

What is Planet of the Apes


Azure DevOps is an integrated set of tools for building, testing, and deploying applications, but it also provides this service, which enables teams to plan, track, and discuss work across teams using Kanban boards, backlogs, and dashboards.

What are Azure Boards


In this scenario, you are waiting for a coworker to send a file. The file should be about an Event Flyer, but the file is named very differently. When you receive the file, should you download this?

What is 

"Not without confirmation from the sender of the email"


This popular actor once said this during the intro to a popular 90's tv show "Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down"

Who is Will Smith


This Eagles Wide Receiver had a breakout stretch of games in the 2020 season totaling 435 yards and 4 TDs on 29 Receptions in 5 games. 

Who is Travis Fulgham
