Who sent Lewis and Clark on their expedition?
Thomas Jefferson
Was Thomas Jefferson the first, second, or third president of the United States?
The third president
How did Alexander Hamilton die?
Shot in a duel
When was the war of 1812
What ship did the Pilgrims come over on?
What territory were they sent to explore and map?
The Louisiana Territory
What was Jefferson's home and plantation called?
Who did Hamilton duel in New Jersey in 1804?
Aaron Burr
True or False: The winner of The War of 1812 US and Native Americans
What famous French military commander attempted to expand the French Empire between 1803-1815?
On what river did they begin their journey?
The Missouri River
What was the name of Jefferson's slave with whom he had six children?
Sally Hemmings
What political party did Hamilton belong to?
The Federalists
How were the American people feeling after the war ended?
Sense of patriotism
What movement expanded the rights for people of color in the U.S. during the 1960's?
The Civil Rights Movement
How many men accompanied Louis and Clark on their expedition?
Around 40
Who did Sally Hemmings negotiate the freedom of?
Her children
What cabinet position was given to Hamilton by George Washington?
Secretary of the Treasury
What Shawnee Chief organized a rebellion during the War of 1812
Native American Tribes (12 different tribes), Great Britian, and France
What tribe in the western U.S. did Lewis and Clark have a hostile confrontation with?
The Teton Sioux
How many times did congress have to vote to break the tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr in the presidential election of 1800?
How many slaves did Alexander Hamilton own?
What tactic did the British use to weaken the U.S. economy during the war?
A Blockade
What was the Name of Sacagawea's son?
Jean Baptiste Charbboneau