According to the contract, teachers are responsible for being at school during what times?


If you are going to be late or need to leave early, it is your responsibility to contact your administrator. 


Where can a teacher find information regarding events related to a crisis?

Each classroom is equipped with the crisis plan. This can be referenced in the event of an emergency. Depending on the crisis, information may be communicated through the Raptor Alert App on your phone. 


If you have a school event scheduled such as PD or organization meeting, what is the procedure for securing the van for that day. 

Access the school van google calendar, sign up on the calendar, and if already booked, check with administration. 

The district prefers staff to take the school van rather than turning in milage. 


How many toilets are in the school (shop included), including urinals? 



Career Ladder plans begin at what date?

June 1st-Summer activities can be logged for the upcoming school year. 


On Friday, teachers can wear jeans and a nice shirt or a spirit shirt. On other days, what is the dress expectation?

Business Casual/Look Professional

PD attire may include comfortable clothes. 

If needing to purchase something for your classroom, what steps should be taken? 

Discuss with your administrator what you are wanting to purchase. If approved, complete and submit a requisition through Weblink, monitor status through Weblink, have Emily or Sandy help complete the order using a district card or purchase order. It is the teacher's responsibility to follow through with the ordering. 


What is the procedure for filling the school van with gas? 

The barrels are located west of the old gym. The white barrel includes gas. DO NOT use the red barrel which contains diesel. 


If needing to evacuate the school to an outside location, what spots would buses go to?

St. Columba Parish

Clyde Convent

Conception Abbey


Where can a teacher access the career ladder logs? 

The logs can be accessed on the school shared drive. A copy should be made and renamed with your name. It is a continuous sheet that gets filled out throughout the year. 


What is the procedure for requesting a substitute?

If known in advance, reach out to administration with the date and reason for your absence. 

If a last-minute sub is needed, contact administration. A sub plan should be prepared for you sub by 7:45. 

If you have a duty that day, be sure to include in your sub plan. 


If a student is needing medical attention, what protocol should be followed?

Before sending a student to the nurse, contact the nurse. If she is not in her office, Mr. Farnan or Sandy can be contacted. 


How do you turn on the gas pumps?

There is a small key on the key chain which turns on the switch. The switch is located on the post in front of the barrel that will turn on the power to the pumps.  It should be turned off when finished. Where the gas nozzle is held, there is a lever that turns on the motor to the pump. 


Where is the gasoline shut off located in the school?

Mrs. Holtman's Office


When does career ladder reimbursement come to you?

It will be included with your June payment. 


How many personal and sick days does a teacher have?

2 personal

9 sick

If additional days are requested, this may result in a dock to your monthly paycheck. 


If you're feeling hungry for one of the amazing school lunches, what must you do in order to ensure you have a hot lunch?

Sign up before 7:45 on the notebook hanging on the kitchen door. 


What is the last step to be taken before leaving the van when you are back at the school.

For each trip that is taken, the milage should be recorded in the log found between the seats. The date, beginning and ending milage, location, and whether or not students were transported should be included. 


What rated films can be shown at school without parental consent. 

PG and PG13


What do I do if I have a question about whether an activity qualifies for career ladder?

Before doing the activity, reference the career ladder guidance document. If you still have questions,  ask administration or a member of the career ladder committee. 


If child abuse is suspected, what is the responsibility of the teacher? 

The teacher should contact the administration, counselor, or school nurse. If warranted, a hotline report should be completed by the person who suspected the abuse. 


List 3 important facts about attendance. 

-All absence must be marked in Lumen within a timely manner. 

-All absences must be documented with Sandy.

-Before allowing a student to leave the building, be sure they know to check in with the office to check out. 

-Attendance and lunch count should be completed by 8:15 each morning and updated as needed. 


If you need to secure a bus to transport more students than 6 kids, how do you secure a bus. 

Approach administration and propose a date, a location, and a purpose for the trip. 


For a tornado drill, where do staff and students go?

The locker rooms in the old gym. Students will stay on their side of the hallway and merge to that side of the gym. 


According to the state plan (teachers with at least 2 years of experience), what percentage of the hours must be direct student contact?

For the district career ladder plan, what fraction of the hours must be direct student contract? 



Remember that all tutoring hours should be logged in Lumen. 
