Meet Your Teacher

When absent, it is the _________'s responsibility to look on Canvas and catch up on the classwork missed before the next class period we meet

What is the student?

Canvas Preview Tomorrow


The largest mammal on Earth

What is the blue whale?


The first thing you will do independently upon entering the classroom and finding your seat

What is the warm up question?

Warmup questions will be turned in weekly!!

Starts Monday


Mrs. Rasmussen's favorite genre of music

What is country?


Emoji Movie


What is "Up"?


At the end of each month, there will be a ______ drawing. Students have the opportunity to win prizes such as gift cards, Gatorade, candy, etc. using the ticket entries they earn through positive behaviors and actions displayed in the classroom. 

What is raffle?

The tickets are awarded to students by your Math, English, and Science 9C team teachers (Machacek, Weber, & Rasmussen)


The largest organ in the human body

What is the skin?


The location in the classroom where homework/assignments are turned in

What is the corresponding class period drawer?


Mrs. Rasmussen's favorite dessert

What is ice cream?


Name that Tune

“When the sun shines, we’ll shine together

Told you I’ll be here forever

Said I’ll always be your friend

Took an oath, I’ma stick it out to the end”

What is "Umbrella" by Rihanna?


The cell phone and headphone policy for our classroom

What is:

1st sighting = warning

2nd sighting = take the phone/headphones

1st take away = for class period

2nd take away = for part of day


The smallest unit of life

What is the cell?


I strongly believe in open lines of communication with my students. Please talk with me after class, write me a note, or send me an _____ to communicate ANYHING you need to tell me. I am here to support you in all the ways that I can!

What is email?

Anything you tell me is kept confidential unless I feel that I need to direct you to another resource to better help you


The sport Mrs. Rasmussen will be coaching at JHS

What is Track & Field?


Name one of the things we believe as Cavaliers at JHS

What is:

All Means All

People Matter Most

Compete for Excellence


The appropriate time to ask the teacher to use the bathroom or leave the classroom

Hint: "First 15, Last 15" Classroom Rule

What is during independent work time or before entering the classroom?

First 15, Last 15: The critical learning time during a class period that students are not allowed to leave the classroom

Leave all belongings in the classroom, record date and time on the whiteboard, leave your cell phone on the whiteboard, and take the pass


The number of bones in the adult human body

What is 206?


The 4 things you NEED to bring to class with you each day to set you up for success

(Must correctly answer 3 of the 4 for full points)

What is:

1) Pencils

2) Fully Charged Chromebook (plus charger)

3) Folder

4) Notebook


Mrs. Rasmussen's favorite summer olympic events to watch

(Must correctly answer 1 of the 2 for full points)

What is 

1. Beach Volleyball

2. Table Tennis


 Crayola Crayon: The name of this crayon color

A) Blue Sky

B) Cerulean

C) Pacific Blue

D) Cyan

What is Cerulean?


The duration of time that missing or late work is accepted

What is until the end of the unit?

Any missing work after the end of the unit will be entered as a 0 and be ineligible for makeup


The only part of the body without a blood supply

What is the cornea of the eye?


You will have a _____ check approximately one time per week to check your understanding of learned material

What is skill?


Mrs. Rasmussen's favorite college football team

What is Nebraska Cornhuskers?


Zoomed In

Hint: It's a food

What is a yellow pepper?
