What was the main theological development of the 2nd Great Awakening?
This President nearly beat a would-be assassin to death
Andrew Jackson
Jefferson's 1st VP who shot Alexander Hamilton
Aaron Burr
Andrew Jackson initially supported this policy which led to the nullification crisis that later became a main plank in the Whig platform.
Andrew Jackson was a . . .
Resistance to the perceived restrictions of the post Market Revolution economy led some people to do what to seek renewed freedom?
Move West
What conflict that lasted from 1801 to 1805 was America's first foreign war?
The influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during this entire period
John Marshall
Jefferson initially held a strict construction interpretation of the Constitution, but this went out the window in 1803 with what major event?
The Louisiana Purchase
Manifest Destiny was a natural outflow of what?
Monroe Doctrine
This anti-alcohol movement grew out of the Second Great Awakening
What event saw the death of thousands of Cherokee, Seminole, and other Indians while under the direction of the American Army
The Trail of Tears
"Little Hickory" who was a strong ally and protégé of Jackson and embodied the spirit of Manifest Destiny
James K. Polk
What did Thomas Jefferson call a moral evil yet continue to participate in for his entire life?
Despite slavery being a major, divisive issue during the early 19th century, neither the Jacksonians nor the Whigs took a strong position on it. Why?
They were national parties/ feared losing votes
While the First Great Awakening was focused in city churches, the Second Great Awakening occurred most prominently where?
The Frontier
Andrew Jackson got into a public political fight with an unelected bureaucrat who ran what national institution?
The Second National Bank of the United States
The first Whig president. He defeated Martin Van Buren, but only held office for 30 days before his death.
The Vice-President of JQA in 1824 who betrayed him to run with Jackson in 1828 but later betrayed Jackson resigned in protest of the Tariff of Abominations
John C. Calhoun
While most agricultural technological developments reduce required labor, which one had the opposite effect and arguably perpetuated slavery for decades
The Cotton Gin
Jackson's populism, the 2nd Great Awakening, and economic changes all contributed to this process where individuals were given more power and influence in government
This New England Senator was one of the Whigs that ran for president in 1836 and was one of the most influential congressmen of the 19th century
Daniel Webster
Jefferson pledge to tear down what system during the Washington and Adams administrations, but when he got into office he changed his mind and decided they were actually not so bad.
Hamilton's financial/ economic system
What was the name of the painting we analyzed?
American Progress