What did Thomas Jefferson have to do with the Barbary War?
ordered a squadron led by Commodore Richard Dale to blockade Tripoli and attack any interfering Barbary ship.
What was the issue with impresment?
manpower shortages due to the low pay and a lack of qualified seamen.
When was the Embargo Act?
December 22, 1807
What was the foreign policy of the Thomas Jefferson Administration?
He favored a policy of neutrality in the European wars
What were the effects of the impressment?
Provoking Congress into legislative action
Why did the Embargo Act lead to smuggling?
economic hardship
True or false: The First Barbary War was the first major American war fought outside the New World.
When was impressment banned?
The early 1900s
why did the Embargo Act of 1807 divide the American people?
Outraged by the attack on Chesapeake, Americans called for action against the British
True or false: Jefferson did not send the small American navy to blockade the port of Tripoli, winning favorable peace.
True or False: did the British navy anger the United States by relying on impressment?
True or False: The embargo act bankrupted American merchants?
Did the Barbary Act cause conflict in North America?
yes they did
Did the British need sailors for the huge fleet?
Yes they did
Did federalists gain support in the Northern states?
Yes they did