What color was the cover of the theocratic ministry book?
what city did Esther live in?
How many precious stones were on the breast piece of judgment?
What are the names of isaac and rebekahs twin sons?
jacob and esau
"sing out with joy of heart"
"You too can have a part"
What was the older version of the song book called
sing praises to jehovah/sing to jehovah
What was hannahs husbands other wife named?
in the book of daniel, what world power did the copper part represent
how many sons did jacob have?
"sticking close in times of need"
how many volumes of the young people ask books are there?
what was ruths son named?
how many appendixes are there in the study bible?
how many pieces of silver did jacobs brothers sell him for?
"Armageddon draws ever near"
"but until that great day is here, grant us boldness as we witness, this is our prayer"
What publication made for kids was published in 2013?
my bible lessons
What did Jael kill Sisera with?
A tent pin through the head
in bible times, what was 100 drachmas or about 100 days wages called?
What bible story is shown on the cover of the my book of bible stories?
baby moses
"our way of life like a house gives protection"
"when it is built on the rock, not on sand"
Name two of the study books about jesus
jesus the way the truth the life, come be my follower, learn from the great teacher, the greatest man who ever lived.
What did Abigails name mean?
my father has made himself joyful
who wrote the most books of the bible?(bonus 100 points for how many they wrote)
paul (14)
The first three plagues of egypt
Nile river to blood, frogs, gnats
"we're jehovahs witnesses, we speak out in fearlessness"
"ours is the god of true prophecy, what he foretells comes to be"