Bunker Gear has this many Layers
What is 3?
Initial PSI and attack line is pressured to
What is 100 PSI?
Water lines were originally made out of this material
What is wood?
Supplemental Oxygen should be applied if O2 saturation drops below this threshold
What is 94%?
Deployable water tank for water shuttle operations
What is a Drop Tank?
This equipment is Deployed during salvage and over haul operations to protect walkways
What is a floor runner?
The initial stage of Fire Development
What is the Incipient Stage?
First Fire engines were powered by this
What is Steam?
What is Diabetic?
A Preconnect Attack line has this many joints
What is 3?
NFPA requires this equipment to be with 10% of its maximum to be considered in service
What is SCBA Air Bottle?
The process of using a fog pattern to suck out smoke from a smoke filled room
Founded the First successful Fire Insurance company to support Fire Companies
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
ABC stands for
Used during Flammable Liquids Fire
What is Foam?
This equipment is used to draft water
What is Hard suction hose?
L.I.P. stands for this
Fire Service Culture embodies these five tenants: Integrity, Moral Character, Work Ethic, Pride and _____
What is Courage?
Medical name for Heart Attack
What is Myocardial Infarction?
Pushing air into a structure using this equipment is known as Positive Pressure Ventilation
What are Smoke Ejectors?
Often called a cellar nozzle what is another name for this appliance?
What is a Breslin Distributor?
This means you report to only one supervisor
What is Unity of command?
First fire hydrant was by Fredrick Graff in what year
What is 1801?
This space measures 50 feet by 150 feet
What is a landing zone?
What is considered a full contingent for the City of Jennings
What is 2 Pumpers and an Aerial?