Name three lab safety rules being broken by these students.

Most don’t have goggles, long hair not tied back, beaker aimed towards students, no instructor present


Graph the following temperatures in Atlanta, GA for the first week of July using a COMPLETE line graph:


How could this inference be changed to an observation? “Sarah has a scar on her eye from a past

“Sarah has a scar on her eye.” Write only on what can be directly observed.


At least how many days prior to a test do you need to email your teacher a request for accommodations?

At least two days before the test (but Mrs. Vosseller suggests requesting accommodations as soon as you learn about a test so you don't forget!).


A person tests 3 types of detergent to see which will remove a stain the best. What are the independent and dependent variables and 3 controls?

IV - type of detergent; DV - stain removal ability; 

C - type of stain, temp of water, washing machine used


Why did Redi need a gauze-covered jar rather than a fully covered jar to illustrate the theory of biogenesis?

Because people thought the maggots came from air. He needed to keep flies out while letting air in to prove them wrong.


What are the 8 characteristics of life? Include an example for each.


Who does Mrs. Vosseller think is the greatest living American singer-songwriter-producer and all-around good person?

Stevie Wonder


Mary investigated the effect of different concentrations of Miracle Grow on the growth of
tomato plants. Mary hypothesized that if higher
concentrations of Miracle Grow were added, the plants would exhibit poorer growth. She grew
four groups of tomato plants (10 plants/group) for 30 days. List the independent and dependent variable as well as 3 constants.

Independent-amount of miracle grow in concentration

Dependent-Growth of plant(aka height of plant)

3 constants (control was wrong word)- amount of sunlight, type of soil, type of plant


Name 2 scientists involved in forming the theory of
biogenesis. Briefly describe the experiment of each scientist.

Redi- used covered meat to show maggots didn’t come from air.

Pasteur- used swanneck flask to show microorganisms, not just air, were needed to infect broth.


When creating a bar or line graph, on which axis should the independent variable be placed?



When you're tardy to school, where do you go first and why?

To the Office of Student Life to sign into the attendance system and get a pass to enter the school.


What prevents pseudoscience from being published in scientific journals?

A peer review.


In the classic animated series about summer vacation, what is Phineas' brother's name?



Sketch a COMPLETE bar graph of the color shirts your classmates are wearing using the following categories:
3 red, 4 blue, 5 black, 2 green, 10 white.


Where is the most value placed in each of the following ethical worldviews?

Anthropocentric (humans); Biocentric (every organism, including humans); Ecocentric (ecosystem or community as a whole)


How many centimeters are in 3.5 inches?
(1 inch= 2.54 cm)

8.89 cm


True or False: "God is purple."

So very FALSE :) 


Give an example of how something could have one or more of the characteristics of life but not be living.

A refrigerator requires energy and maintains an internal balance, but is not living. An organism must have all 8 characteristics to be considered living.


How does a hypothesis become a theory?

A hypothesis becomes a theory when it is supported by a large amount of data.


You tried to turn on your cell phone this morning and it wouldn’t turn on. Knowing that cell phones need to be charged, you assume your cell phone didn’t charge last
night. What type of reasoning is this?

Deductive reasoning


What is the name of the tool in this image, and what is the volume of the rock?

This tool is a graduated cylinder. The initial volume of the water is 20 mL (remember to read the bottom of the meniscus). The volume after the rock is added is 35 mL. The difference in these two numbers is the volume of the rock. 35 mL - 20 mL = 15 mL is the volume of the rock.


Write both a qualitative and quantitative observation
about your hand.

My hand has 5 fingers, 2 scars, or is 3.5 inches wide (Quantitative). I can see blood vessels that appear blue through my skin (qualitative).


Convert 93.8 grams to kilograms.

.0938 kg


My homemade bread didn’t rise. I suspect that it is
because my baking soda is too old. What is this statement called? How could it be tested?

It is called a hypothesis. It could be tested by repeating the recipe with fresh baking soda.
