Addictive Foods
Abbreviations & Acronyms
Mellow Yellow
Grab Bag
10-Letter Words

This is a crunchy movie theater favorite.

What is popcorn? Popcorn without a topping is a low-calorie snack, but who eats it without butter?


Reading, typing, and speaking are measured by this abbreviation.

What is wpm? It stands for “words per minute.”


When you whip cream too long, you get this.

What is butter? After margarine was introduced, a law was passed in the Vermont, South Dakota, and New Hampshire legislatures that required margarine to be dyed pink to differentiate it from butter. The battle went all the way to the Supreme Court, which struck down the “pink laws."


This is the meat of a deer.

What is venison? It is so lean that you need to add some fat to it before cooking. It’s also more nutritious than beef.


This is a covering that goes underneath one’s placemats at dinner.

What is a tablecloth? Cotton and linen tablecloths have natural fibers that absorb messes more quickly, while synthetics are more stain- and wrinkle-resistant.


Sour cream, ranch, and other dips are popular with these snacks made by the likes of Lay’s and Pringles.

What are potato chips? Did you know that the salt in potato chips releases dopamine, which causes pleasure and satisfaction?


This is a two-letter abbreviation for “for example.”

What is e.g.? People sometimes confuse it with the abbreviation that stands for “that is.”


This is the name of a bright yellow, smooth, waterproof coat that people wear in the rain.

What is slicker? The original coats in the 1800s were made of sailcloth and covered in linseed oil to make them waterproof.


This brand of tiny breath mints was introduced in 1969, is packaged in a small rectangular container, and packs a punch.  

What is Tic Tac? Made by the same company that makes Nutella, the product’s original name was Refreshing Mints, which is not as catchy as Tic Tac.


These small, implanted devices in the chest regulate the heartbeat.

What are pacemakers? The devices monitor the heart constantly and give it a nudge when it needs regulation. Did you know your sinus node controls your heartbeat? It normally acts as the body’s own pacemaker.


Tollhouse brand is known for making this classic cookie.

What is chocolate chip? Part of our addiction to these sweet treats is the emotional attachment many of us have through our memories of them in our childhoods.


Navy SEALs got their name from these environments in which they operate.

What are Sea, Air, and Land? Therefore, they are active in all environments.


When you see a yellow sign, you generally think of this.

What is caution? Yellow is the universal color of caution, just as red is the universal color for “stop.”


Arizona’s state flower should come as no surprise, as this plant covers the desert landscape.

What is cactus (blossom)? Specifically, it is the saguaro cactus, native to the Sonora Desert. It’s illegal to harm one of these cacti.


These luscious nuts are native to Australia but now are grown in places like Hawaii, Brazil, and Costa Rica.

What are macadamias? It grows on trees but falls to the ground when ripe.


This can be ordered thin crust or deep dish.

What is pizza? It is rated the No. 1 addictive food due to the combination of fat, salt, and refined carbs—a combination not found in nature.


The abbreviation i.e. stands for this.

What is “that is”? You will see this in academic papers as well as in less formal pieces. It’s also used in conversation.


Back in the day, we looked up businesses in this.

What are the Yellow Pages? The Real Yellow Pages has moved online to the website


Native Hawaiian women adopted this long, loose dress.

What is muumuu? It’s typically a long, brightly colored, patterned dress and was introduced by Christian missionaries in the 1820s.


You are considered this until the moment admission forms are signed at the hospital.

What is outpatient? Care of this kind is sometimes called ambulatory or day patient care.


This breakfast carbohydrate is often eaten with milk.

What is cereal? Fun fact: One of the most sugary cereals of the 1950s was Kellogg’s Sugar Smacks. It has since been rebranded as Honey Smacks and can still be found in stores today.


Salespeople live by the expression “ABC,” which stands for this.

What is “always be closing”? The phrase means don’t waste time on anything that will not end in a sale or some sort of lucrative endeavor.


These wasps often build their nests underground.

What are yellow jackets? They get their name from their yellow and black stripes and are also known as meat bees.


This is the name of the pastry that is used to make an éclair.

What is choux (SHOO)? Choux pastry is made by heating milk, water, sugar, salt, and butter to a boil and blending in bread flour.


This word means “the same thing over and over; tediously repetitive” as well as “speaking in the same tone without varying intonation.”

What is monotonous? Ben Stein's portrayal of a teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off—notably his droning roll call, "Bueller… Bueller…"—exemplifies a truly monotonous delivery.
