Pop Culture
NLP from Deutschland
Literary Heavyweights
The Lives of the Artists
History of Geo-political Socioeconomic Psychology

It must be interesting to realize that while cocaine possession is illegal, having this soft drink that used to be made from its leaves is completely legal!

What is Coca-Cola (Coke)?


This favorite American sandwich is named for a city in Germany, not an accidental ham patty.

What is a hamburger?


"Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman is an all-time favorite of this Director of the Canfield Business Honors Program.

Who is Dr. Andres Almazan?


Giorgio Vasari, author of the Lives of the Artists, greatly admired this frequently-one-named Renaissance Man, commending his Sistine Chapel paintings and David statue.

Who is Michelangelo Buonarotti?


On behalf of the Old World, in the late 15th century, he "sailed the ocean blue."

Who is Christopher Columbus?


Even after she stepped down as CEO in 2018, PepsiCo has continued to grow in international markets.

Who is Indra Nooyi?


Not to be confused with the capital of India, this is where you might find Jason on the days that he serves cold cuts.

What is deli[catessen]?


This famous novel by Miguel de Cerventes is set in La Mancha, Spain, where a vigilante takes on the dangerous windmills of the countryside.

What is "Don Quixote"?


In "Under the Wave off Kanagawa," Katsushika Hokusai depicted a wave in the foreground, as part of "36 Views of" this holy Japanese mountain?

What is Mt. Fuji?


2022 wasn't the first time that Crimea and the Donbas region in this country were attacked. In fact, its neighbor has staked a claim to the area since the fall of the Soviet Union.

What is Ukraine?

Taurus birth signs must really be at odds with this 3rd largest soft drinks company and popular energy drink.

What is Red Bull?


German for "children garden," this fun preschool year was full of nap times and half-days!

What is kindergarten?


The famous opening line of "A Tale of Two Cities," by this author goes, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

Who was Charles Dickens?


This Dutch artist had psychotic episodes toward the end of his life, as he cut off part of his ear, was admitted to a mental asylum, and then shot himself in the chest.

Who was Vincent van Gogh?


Often compared to free will, this is the belief that all events, including human actions and decisions, are ultimately determined by preexisting causes or conditions. 

What is determinism?


Since 1950, they have specialized in carbonated beverages from natural fruit and the traditional flavors of Mexico.

Who is Jarritos?


"Who is that girl that I see staring straight back at me?" This word defines another person's apparent double.

What is a doppelgänger?


“So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!” was Abraham Lincoln's remark at this author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?


Only Marcel Duchamp could present a signed porcelain urinal and call it "Fountain" in 1917, during the peak of this art movement centered on anti-art and anti-war.

What is Dadaism?


Anthropologists believe that early American peoples originated from Northeast Asia, crossing over to the Americas via this former land bridge.

What is Beringia (Bering Land Bridge)?


You'll find ramune all over vending machines and konbinis in this nation.

What is Japan?


This country's name in English and German are similar, and Österreich refers to the "eastern realms" of its Germanic population.

What is Austria?


This book describes a world leader's struggle in the interwar period as one guided by Aryan, German nationalistic sentiment and anti-communist stances.

What is the Mein Kampf ("My Struggle")?


This "Mother of American Modernism" gained international recognition for her nature landscapes but also international infamy for supposed sexual references.

Who was Georgia O'Keeffe?


This medieval Malian emperor was reportedly so rich that he caused inflation and lowered the value of gold across the Muslim world!

Who was Mansa Musa?
