This word is what birds become when there aren’t any more of them left.
What is extinct?
The smallest bird in the world is one of these.
That is a hummingbird?
If you are out hiking and come upon a bird’s nest, this is something you shouldn’t do.
What are collecting, touching, or disturbing birds or their nests?
This is another word for the mouth of a bird.
What is the bill or beak?
Only 100 years ago, thousands of these birds could be seen over the skies. Over-hunting quickly drove them to extinction.
What is the Passenger Pigeon?
The largest egg in the world comes from this bird.
What is an Ostrich?
Birds often fly into these “invisible” structures, found everywhere from skyscrapers to your house.
What are windows?
The claws of a bird of prey are called this.
What are talons?
Because it had never seen humans and therefore had non fear of them, this large flightless pigeon is now extinct.
What is the Dodo?
One of the fastest birds in the world is this one.
What is a Peregrine Falcon?
Use of these chemicals has led to declines in the populations of many bird species.
What are pesticides?
When birds lose old feathers and grow new ones it is called this.
What is molting?
This is one of the major causes of extinction in the world.
Birds that breed in the US or Canada, but over-winter in Mexico, Central, or South America
What are neotropical migrants?
These domestic predators kill hundreds of millions of birds each year.
What are cats?
The name of this type of nest, made by woodpeckers, is also what a hole in your tooth is called.
What is a cavity?
This bird, the U.S. symbol, was almost driven to extinction by the use of a pesticide called DDT.
What is the Bald Eagle?
Associated with the quote ”Nevermore,“ these black birds may be among the most intelligent.
What are Ravens?
This Act is designed to help species of wildlife whose populations are in trouble.
What is the Endangered Species Act?
When a group of male birds congregate and perform ritualistic mating dances, this is called what.
What is lek or lekking?