Fact or Myth?
CSAA Grab Bag
Insurance Scramble
Fun Facts

This is the least popular holiday in America

What is Valentines Day?


No-fault auto insurance means it’s not your fault.

What is myth/false?


AAA's free towing service provided for safety during holidays. 

What is Tipsy Tow?


The first artificial Christmas tree was made in this year. 

What is 1930?


Red cars are attractive to Police and Thieves.

What is fact?

Research by Monash University Accident Research Centre has shown that red cars are very likely to attract thieves and be stolen. Another theoretical study also demonstrated that a compilation of automobile statistics from different law enforcement agencies noticed that red cars get more traffic tickets than any other color.


The number of our Core Beliefs. 

What is 6?
Unwavering integrity, Personal & mutual accountability, The power of inclusion, A passion for service excellence, Thinking big and moving fast, Investing in ourselves. 

One in three men wait till the day before this holiday to do their shopping.

What is Christmas


Automatic Cars Are Less Fuel-efficient As Compared To Manual Gear Shift Ones.

What is Myth?

Thanks to advancements in technology automatic cars of today have more forward gears than cars with manual transmission. The extra gears can help with creating more power at lower engine speed, this saves fuel and creates the balance.


Name our Strategic Pillars

What are, Growth, Profitability, and Customer


This popular Halloween candy was created in 1880's and originally called "chicken feed"

What is Candy Corn?

Applesauce was the first food eaten in space. While Potatoes were the first planted in space. 

What is Fact?

1962 John Glenn ate applesauce during the friendship 7 flight. Oct.1995 University of Wisconsin created the tech to plant food. 

An average of 4,500 calories are consumed on this holiday.

What is Thanksgiving?


German chocolate cake originated in Germany.

What is myth?

Actually, the chocolate cake made with coconut and pecans has no ties to Germany whatsoever. Rather, according to NPR, the name comes from Sam German, who, in 1852, created a type of baking chocolate for Baker's.

The company named it "German's chocolate," and it was shortened to "German chocolate" over time.
