How many nouns are in the sentence: Penny goes to the store with Gina on Saturdays.
What is Natalie’s favorite thing?
Her buttons
What was Strum passionate about?
The environment
What was Max’s dad’s nickname?
Killer Kane
What were the names if the three main characters?
Mahmoud, Josef, and Isabel
How many adjectives are in the following sentence: The tiny blue tractor broke badly.
tiny and blue
What is Moose’s favorite hobby?
What was Freak obsessed with?
The Knights of the Round Table and King Arther
Why did Josef’s dad jump off the boat?
He wanted to die because he didn’t want to go back to Germany.
Correct ALL errors in the following sentence:
I cant wait to get home on saturday after the football game
I can’t wait to get home on Saturday after the football game.
Who gave Moose the baseball?
Onion or 105
What condition did Maddie struggle with?
What did Freak choke on in the cafeteria?
American Chop Suey
Who did Mahmoud’s family meet at the very end of the book?
Ruthie from Josef’s story
What is the acronym for coordinating conjunctions?
What little girl became friends with Natalie? (Younger sister of another boy on the island)
What is Maddie’s rule about numbers?
Even numbers mean good things will happen and odd numbers mean bad things will happen.
What did Freak spray in Killer Kane’s eyes?
Soap, vinegar, and curry powder
What was Lito’s real name?
Mariano Padron
What is the acronym for subordinating conjunctions?
What is the nickname of Alcatraz?
Devil’s Island
What was the name of the exact place in Mexica where Strum went?
Laguna Miramar
What does Freak want Max to do with the book of blank pages?
He wants Max to write down their adventures.
Why did Josef’s mother tell the kids they could never take their coats off?
She hid valuable jewelry in the linings of the coats