Dental Hygiene
IMPL Facts & Figures for CSLT Dental
CSLT Dental Product Features
Helpful Dental Resources at CSLT
You Can't Handle the Tooth!
The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth at least this many times a day.
What is twice?
These are the target times is takes to launch ATS customers and non-ATS customers on Castlight Dental. They are incredibly similar to our current core medical timeframes.
What is <= 4 months for ATS customers and <= 6 months for non-ATS customers.
Brace yourself! As of March 2015, Castlight Dental users are now able to search for pricing information on this dental service typically utilized by teenagers.
What is orthodontia?
He is your Castlight Dental SME for IMPL
Who is Raman Vig?
This is a unit of storage on your computer or a really big chomp.
What is a mega-byte?
This hard calcified deposit forms on the teeth and contributes to tooth decay when plaque is not removed.
What is Tartar?
This item is a data requirement needed to support Castlight Dental.
What is: 1. updated eligibility file 2. historical dental claims, 3. ongoing dental claims 4. dental accumulators (daily file from dental plan) 5. Provider Directory 6. Employer benefits materials (SPD)
These three dental plans are currently supported/being implemented by Castlight dental
What are: 1. Delta Dental of IL, MI, OH 2. Delta Dental of WA 3. Humana
You can find a Castlight Dental IMPL kickoff deck, preview script, eligibility file specifications, and other helpful IMPL documents on this Professional Services intranet page.
What is the Dental Implementation Processes intranet page?
This is a combination of a tooth at the back of your mouth and a large, furry mammal in Antarctica.
What is a Molar Bear?
True or False: If we get medical and dental claims information from a currently supported health plan partner, can we use the previously existing medical carrier in Configurator to build out dental plans.
What is False? We need to create a new carrier in Configurator specifically for dental. For example, both Humana and Humana Dental exist on the "Add Carrier" list in Configurator.
In addition to being available on the standard website, Castlight Dental is also accessible through this smartphone app.
What is Castlight Mobile?
Castlight Dental has been shown to increase engagement among these two hard to reach employee segments.
Who are men and millennials?
A standard for the short-range wireless interconnection of cellular phones, computers, and other electronic devices, or an oddly colored incisor
What is bluetooth?