What do bees use to drink?
What is a use for beeswax?
candles, waterproofing, toiletries, crayons, etc.
Which bee controls the hive?
the queen bee
What virus targets queen cells?
Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV)
What do you use to separate frames from the hive?
hive tool (or frame grip)
What are the three sections of a bee's body?
head, thorax, abdomen
What is a benefit of honey?
anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, healing wounds, prebiotic, cough/sore throat suppressant
Bees use this action to communicate:
What does Sacbrood Virus (SBV) do to larvae?
the larvae are liquified
Beekeeping Club only has bee-safe jackets -- what is the rest of the dress-code for working with our bees?
thick long pants, CLOSED TOED shoes
What collects pollen on a bee's hind leg?
pollen basket
What machine is used to extract honey?
a honey spinner
What are the only males in a honeybee hive called?
What is the name of the virus that causes bees to lose their hair?
Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus (CBPV)
What does a smoker do?
makes the hive tired -- (does not harm the bees)
How do bees detect motion?
When is honey safe to harvest?
when it is capped over with wax
What do the worker bees feed the queen cells?
What is responsible for the most colony collapses each year?
varroa mites
What is the purpose of winterization?
keep the hive safe from moisture, keep insulation, blow airflow, etc.
How many pairs of wings does a bee have?
What tool is used to poke holes in the capped cells?
an uncapping fork
What colour paint is this year's queen marker?
Where do varroa mites latch onto on a bee's body?
the "hemolymph" on the back of their thorax
What type of beehives do UMass Beekeeping Club use?