This place is where Ellie grew up.
Santa Cruz, CA
This is Ellie’s sun sign, the source of her love for conspiracy theories.
this is the dawning of the age of AQUARIUS
This is her alcoholic drink of choice.
Tequila sunrise
Ellie worked at this Disney park her sophomore year.
Disney World
This is the full name of Ellie’s furry child.
Pebble Lane
This country is where Ellie was born.
Ellie shares this zodiac sign with two of her close friends, and is her moon sign placement.
Leo, rawr.
This is Ellie’s favorite restaurant in Fullerton.
Roll n Grill
This is Ellie’s favorite Disney movie
This is the number of siblings Ellie has and their name(s).
Ellie lived in her country of origin for this long.
1.5 years
What is the app Ellie has probably had all of you download to compare charts?
Co — Star
Ellie always orders this at a Peruvian restaurant.
Lomo saltado
Ellie’s mother works in what field?
This is Ellie’s full name (first, middle, last)
Elianne Mary Parks
What is Pebble’s sun sign? (Hint: her name is based on it)
Taurus (get it, earth sign, rocks)
What is Ellie’s coffee order during the holiday season?
Cookie Butter Latte
Ellie worked on Disney property for how many months?
Seven LONG months
This is the endearing nickname of Ellie’s maternal grandmother.
Babushka, Babush
This is Ellie’s favorite food.
Marinara sauce. Yes, marinara sauce.
Where does Ellie’s holiday coffee order come from?
Coffee Bean
This is Ellie’s LEAST favorite Disney movie.
This is the name of Ellie’s former cat and her sister’s current cat (both very important to her).
Luna and Pablo