This TV series is one that I have seen over twenty times through.
The Office
This is the brand of my favorite toy growing up. (Hint: it's animal themed)
Littlest Pet Shop
This date (month and day) was our first official meeting and the 'start' of our relationship.
It was in this city that we shared our first corn dog together, and we relived some of your summer childhood memories as well.
Rockaway Beach, Oregon
This is the nickname I bestowed unto your beloved female canine that currently resides at your parent's residence in Tucson.
This is my go-to comfort meal when I can't have my parents' cooking.
This was my favorite summer fruit growing up, that we grew many successful plants from in California.
I bring up this moment often, recollecting how we looked up to the bright stars on that clear, summer night, when we shared this momentous occasion.
First time saying 'I love you'
In what city and country did I live in from 2021-2022.
Bordeaux, France
This unusual pet was Elliott's choice over a snake that we boarded in our room for close to a year before it tragically passed away.
Toeby the Tarantula
This offhanded 'nickname' I give often to others (regardless of gender or affiliation) is leftover from my upbringing that I use often with my brother.
When I was six, this person was pushing me on a swing until they accidentally pushed too hard, and I fell off and almost cracked my skull open on a boulder.
It was during this activity that I maintained four large blisters, two of which bled, on my feet and bunions.
Our ice skating date over Christmas break
This is the city where I was raised until age thirteen, when my family moved to Corvallis.
San Leandro, California
If I were to own a dog, this breed would be my ideal choice.
Long-haired dachsund
This is the popular Corvallis salon at which I adore getting my nails done, especially before trips to see you!
Modern Nails
At my childhood home, this person attempted to feed me a lemon from our backyard tree, and when cutting into it, squirted lemon juice into my eye.
My dad (Brad)
These are the 'nicknames' we fondly utilize and respond to between ourselves.
Girlfriend and Boyfriend
It was in this country that I went to my very first club with my friend Patricia and her coworkers. (Bonus points for the city!)
The Netherlands (Alphen aan den Rijn)
These names belong to the two twin feline brothers my family adopted and raised, beginning on my sixth birthday.
Luther and Owen
This quote is one that I live by, and repeat often to remind myself that love takes putting yourself out there.
"I would rather be heartbroken a thousand times than never feel true love once."
This (inter)national holiday was my favorite growing up ~ complete with my mom and I making handmade cards for it and crafting a homemade treat to accompany every year until middle school.
Valentine's Day
This event we've made a pact to always make an effort to attend if it is realistic for us in the future.
Noah Kahan concerts
This is a city we've discussed taking a trip to visit, or even potentially living in one day, given its proximity to major league sports and a lively music scene.
Boston, Massachussetts
This number represents the amount of hamsters I've owned in my lifetime (one of which one of our cats tried to eat while introducing them).