Edward Snowden
Social Surveillance
What is Edward Snowden known for?
Leaking top secret documents revealing that the NSA was spying on their own US citizens
What are the dots or asterisks displayed on a password input box used for?
They are meant to prevent people near you from seeing what you are typing into the password box, however, these do not prevent how the information is stored or sent
What is Ghostery used for?
Ghostery is a browser add-on that can detect online trackers as you browse specific pages
What does the term "social surveillance" mean?
Social surveillance is the use of social media platforms to see what friends, family, and acquaintances are "up to".
How did the NSA spy on the US citizens?
They had access to customer phone records directly through Verizon and virtually all other phone companies
What are the top three most common passwords?
password, 123456, 12345
What is the difference between the search engine duckduckgo and google?
Duckduckgo is a search engine that doesn't track you
What social media platform is used most for social surveillance/cyber-stalking?
Facebook, a survey done on U.S. college students shows that: 1. 83% regularly check their ex’s Facebook profile. 2. 74% check the profile of their ex’s new romance. 3. 70% use a friend’s profile to check out the profile of their ex after being unfriended.
What is PRISM?
The NSA's program that grants them the ability to request user data from the servers of U.S tech giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple
Which of the following is the strongest password? Boilerfan, Derek3495, Pkncblnk8, dnalyraM, 4theboys
Pkncblnk8, because it is not a word in any language, it is not connected to any personal information, it is over 10 characters, uses a number, and has both uppercase and lowercase numbers
What does TOR stand for?
The Onion Router
How does social surveillance differ from traditional surveillance?
Social surveillance leads to self-management due to a modification in behaviour after knowing that "you are being watched"
What is the NSA's XKeyscore?
A tool the NSA uses to search "nearly everything a user does on the Internet"--described as the "widest-reaching" system to search through Internet data
Although more complex passwords are stronger people tend to use simpler passwords, why?
Simple passwords are easier to remember but they are also easier to guess
What is TOR?
TOR is a free software that conceals a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis
What three characteristics distinguish social surveillance from traditional surveillance?
Power, hierarchy, reciprocity
What is Edward Snowden facing for what he did?
He is the most wanted man in the US, facing over 30 years in prison but is currently in an undisclosed location in Russia
What technique makes for the best password?
Passphrases, they are typically 20-30 characters long and easy to remember
Why is it important to protect yourself from online trackers?
Data can be stolen, stuck in an advertisers' "filter bubble", private information released, etc.
Are there any positive outcomes of social surveillance?
Yes, making information public can have positive supportive social effects. For example, the use of Facebook correlates to stronger more supportive relational ties.