My friend wants to create a pencil with an eraser on each end, but I just don’t see ------.
What is the point?
Muskrats & hamsters are both members of this order of animals
What is Rodents
It's defined as a cross depicting the body of Jesus upon it
what is a crucifix
Being super-enthusiastic in your desire to get something done, like the proverbial beaver
what is eager
This most populous city in India was built on what were originally 7 islands, including Colaba & Parel.
What is Mumbai
“--- is in the eye of the beer holder.”
What is beauty?
Mammals are subdivided into placentals, monotremes & this group, like the wombat
What is marsupial
It’s the ecclesiastical jurisdiction & territory administered by an archbishop
what is an archdiosese
Get rid of the "E" in "E.T." & you have this adjective for the Earth
What is terrestrial
Less than half the people living in the busiest port of Canada's West Coast speak English as a 1st language.
What is Vancouver.
A bad wizard's favorite software feature
What is spell-check?
Once valued for its fur, this member of the weasel family is at home in the snow
What is a sable
This popular 13th century saint was honored with his image on a U.S. stamp in 1982.
Who is St Francis (of Assisi)
Paranormal, or a TV show that aired its finale in 2020 after 15 years on the air
What is Supernatural
With 20 million people in it's greater metro area, this Brazilian city is South America's most populous.
What is Sao Paulo
Someone who sees a robbery at an Apple Store
What is an iWitness?
Spelunkers often encounter chiropterans, these mammals
What are bats
Other than Sundays, the days each year on which the faithful are expected to attend mass are called "Holy Days of" this
What is obligation
This 14-letter adjective refers to the space between, say, Mars & Neptune
What is interplanetary
Brisbane is the capital of this royal Australian state.
What is Queensland
The reason the calculus prof never serves alcohol at a math party
What is, because you can’t drink and derive?
Take a Michigander at this mammal, but don't get too close
What is a wolverine
The 14 stations of the cross represent events from Jesus' Passion; number six recounts his meeting with this woman
Who is Saint Veronica
With a prefix meaning "against", it describes an event that turns out to have much less drama than expected
What is anticlimactic
In 1907 a 500,000 year old man was found near & named for this southwest German city.
What is Heidelberg.
Anna one, Anna two...
What is what did the drummer name his daughters?
Final Jeopardy
In 2019, for the first time, this nation allowed for non-gendered last names with the suffix -bur
What is Iceland