This guy somehow got acquitted from putting on a glove. He totally did it though. He even wrote a book telling everyone about how he would do it if he did it.
Who is OJ Simpson?
These are Theta's colors.
What are black and gold?
No. 1 on the periodic table.
What is hydrogen?
A brief, light snowfall
What is a flurry?
What most freshmen feel during their first year.
What is homesick?
This late actor starred as Joker and in Brokeback Mountain
Who is Heath Ledger? (Rip)
When was Theta founded?
When is 1870?
Before 1982, pennies in the U.S. were made from 95% of this metal, 5% zinc.
What is copper?
To fail a course or exam.
What is flunk?
A store where you can buy paint, wood, and other home improvement items.
What is Home Depot?
This pink-obsessed diva is famous for singing incredibly off-key in songs such as "I Love You Jesus" and "Freaky." She also had a podcast called Frenemies.
This is the flower that represents Theta because of its appearance
What is the black and gold pansy?
This element, which is a key component of both DNA and RNA, was named after the Greek word for "life."
What is phosphorus?
Able to effortlessly express oneself.
What is fluent?
One of the most famous poets from Ancient Greece.
Who is Homer?
This originator of Glinda in “Wicked” is one of only 72 celebrities to have a star for live performance.
Who is Kristin Chenoweth?
This was where Theta was initially founded.
Where is Indianapolis, Indiana?
This element is used as a semi-conductor in solid-state devices in the computer and microelectronics industries.
What is silicon?
A merging of multiple rivers
What is a confluence?
A brutal superhero who exists in a universe where superheroes are similar to influencers and celebrities.
Who is Homelander?
This singer, songwriter, actress, and guitarist was a lead singer in Hole and was married to Kurt Cobain.
Who is Courtney Love?
These values represent the 4 points of Theta's kite
What is personal excellence, intellectual curiosity, communitment to service, and leadership potential?
This toxic metalloid is often used as a wood preservative.
What is arsenic?
To confuse or perplex
What is flummox?
1992 film starring Macaulay Culkin. This movie involves him running away from weird old men in New York.
What is Home Alone 2?