his power level, ITS OVER 9000!!!!!
what is Dragonball z?
star wars: a new hope, was dubbed into this native American language
what is Navajo?
a slang word often used to deny something
what is cap?
this event in American history inspired a game
what is the Oregon trail?
this company created Twinkies in 1930
what is hostess?
if you make this stupid mistake of not letting 2 people on a floating door in a freezing ocean, no will shut up about it for 25 years
what is titanic?
this president was largely responsible for the native american removal act and the nullification crisis
who is Andrew Jackson?
low quality online content that disturbs the brains mental function
what is brainrot?
this state forced a compromise between free and slave states which ended in a border between free and slave states in Midwestern US
what is Missouri?
this types wings were made for dipping in this part of New York
what is buffalo?
when a hurricane is coming, you have to get out the way. but when you're in a Jaeger, you can fight the hurricane. you can win.
what is pacific rim?
this state has the most native Americans
what is California?
this slang term refers to the act of stealing something
what is fanum tax?
maine was not a state until after the Louisiana purchase and was originally part of this state
what is Massachusetts?
Legend has it that the feathered-serpent god Quetzalcoatl, passed the recipe for --------- down to the Toltec people, who were at their height in ancient Mexico between 900 and 1150 CE
what is guacamole?
this movie featuring Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman has been largely debated to be a Christmas movie
what is die hard?
this racist kids movie is famous for making a bad reputation for native Americans with the song: what makes the red man red
what is Peter pan?
a term typically used for gamers who haven't been outside
what is touch grass?
this land was purchased from Russia for 7.2M$
what is Alaska?
this pez product was dangerous because it served as a choking hazard because it shot the candy into the mouth too fast. therefore discontinued.
what is a PEZ gun.
this is the highest grossing film of all time taking place in the world of pandora
what is avatar?
this native American woman got the nickname Pocahontas meaning, playful one
who is matoaka?
a term typically used by pervs who like to look at peoples butts
what is gyatt?
this famous sight was crucial during the war for Texas to gain their independence, who then were annexed a few years later
what is the Alamo?
you I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of (this Greek dish) caught in my throat, eh?!
-hades from HERCULES
what is moussaka?