What Nickelodeon TV show featured Steve, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper and Mailbox among other characters?
What is Blue's Clues?
Garfield's best friend Ody is a dog, what color is his body.
What is light tan?
Andrew Merrimy has this kind of hair.
Shelter hair.
What is the best Demoknight sword?
What is the eyelander?
Where does everyone in this room store their money?
What is a rice cooker?
Sally Carrera is a character from what movie?
What is Cars?
Andrew Merrimy has this grade in Algebra I.
What is not an A?
Andrew Fry's is what kind of gangster.
What is a black one?
What is scout's real name?
What is Jeremy?
What is the name of the pet dinosaur on the TV cartoon “The Flintstones”?
What is Dino?
Garfield's owner has this letter as the middle one in his name.
What is the letter O?
Andrew (The honeybear) is not Asian, not brown, what is he?
What is caucasian?
What state is engineer from?
What is America?
Goldfish's pfp (At the time of the great goldfish riots of 2023) is what?
Freddy 5 night plush.
In ‘Tom And Jerry’, What Is The Name Of Tom’s Love Interest?
Toodle's Galore
Nermal from Garfield is this gender.
What is a male?
Andrew Garfield enters a building that has had it's floor removed but didn't have up any warning signs. He falls several stories and injures himself. In addition to medical costs, this prevents him from playing the role of Secretariat in a movie. Which of the following is the loss?
What is the film role?
Which weapon lets you take manual control of your sentry?
What is the wrangler?
Which ofishal will die first. (in the canon)
Who is Olexa?
Who Is The Main Antagonist In ‘Aladdin’?
Garfield appeared in 3d in which famous garfield movie?
What is Garfield Get's Real?
Andrew Garfield was assassinated by this man.
Charles Guiteau
What is Alex's favorite sniper primary?
What is the Classic?
Where does Tyrian hide his pills to pop?
What is inside the corner post of his bed?