A trail that started in Independence, Missouri and ended in Portland, Oregon.
- Oregon Trail
Breaking and entering with the intent to commit a crime.
- Burglary
Name the world’s largest desert.
– Sahara
This fast-food chain has the Slogan "Pizza, Pizza!"
- Little Caeser's
The place where Adam and Eve lived before, they were driven out by God.
- The Garden of Eden
Nickname for prospectors who flocked to California in 1849 in the gold rush.
- Forty-niners
Stealing from a store.
- Shoplifting
Which country invented fireworks.
– China
This fast-food chain is named after a classic children's toy.
- Jack in the Box
How many disciples did Jesus choose?
- 12
An old form of communication that tapped in code to carry messages across copper wire.
- Telegraph
Holding another person against their will.
- Kidnapping
What Paris cathedral took 75 years to build.
Notre Dame
This fast-food chain has a red roof on their logo.
- Pizza Hut
Who was swallowed by a Big Fish?
- Jonah
When referring to time, what does BC stand for?
- Before Christ
Physically harming another person without killing them.
- Assault
What famous NYC building was built in 1931?
- Empire State Building
What chain is famous for their footlongs?
– Subway
How long did it rain upon the earth when Noah and his family were in the ark?
- 40 days and 40 nights
She was a Shoshone Indian who help guide Lewis and Clark.
- Sacajawea
A type of financial fraud where you unlawfully take funds from an account without permission for your own use.
- Embezzlement
What was built as a mausoleum to his wife?
– Taj Mahal
The new chain that just opened in Meridian and serves food animal style.
– In-N-Out
This is where the Ten Commandments were given.
- Mount Sinai
They were sent by Thomas Jefferson to map out the Louisiana Territory.
- Lewis & Clark
Unlawful presence on private property without the owner's permission.
- Trespassing
Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
– Michelangelo
Name of the McDonalds mascot.
- Ronald McDonald
How many tribes of Israel are there?
- 12
Games in Greece to show strength of a city state.
- Olympics
Setting fire to and burning something unlawfully.
- Arson
Where is Scotland Yard?
– London
This is the world's largest chicken chain, known for its original recipe.
Who was the first born of Adam and Eve?
- Cain
Last Egyptian Queen.
- Who is Cleopatra
Unlawful offering or giving anything of value to influence performance of an official in the carrying out of his or her public or legal duties.
- Bribery
The fictional boy who wouldn’t grow up in Neverland.
– Peter Pan
This burger chain is known for their Root Beer.
- A&W
What brother was sold by his other brothers as a slave?
- Joseph
What are the holy scriptures of Islam called?
- Qur'an
Crimes incited by the race, color, religion, and national origin of victims.
- Hate Crimes
What land animal lives in Antarctica?
– Penguins
This fast-food chain has the slogan "We Have the Meats."
- Arby's
Who was thrown into a lion's den?
- Daniel
Which of the 7 Wonders of the ancient world might you find in Neo Babylonia?
- Hanging Gardens
A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally places or leaves refuse on property of another person, except in a container provided for refuse.
- Littering
Who was the first woman in space?
– Sally Ride
This fast-food chain has a girl with red hair as their mascot.
- Wendy's
Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?
- Moses