A strong open vehicle with two or four wheels, typically used for carrying loads and pulled by a horse.
- Cart
This couple is from the bible. They are the first humans that God created.
- Adam and Eve
What is being celebrated on Valentine's Day?
- Love
Love conquers ____.
– All
This pink animal lives on a farm.
– Pig
A small-pointed missile that can be thrown or fired.
- Dart
Who did Jack go up the hill with?
- Jill
What flower is given most on Valentines Day?
- Roses
Blood is thicker than ____.
- Water
This pink bird likes to stand on one leg.
– Flamingo
(Of two or more people or things) separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space.
- Apart
She accompanies Hansel in this childhood fairytale.
- Gretel
Popular to give to your valentine this sweet is referenced in a popular Forest Gump line.
Box of chocolates
Home is where ____.
The heart is.
What cancer does the pink ribbon stand for?
– Breast Cancer
A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.
He is the iconic partner of Butch Cassidy.
- Sundance Kid
A common symbol shown on Valentines Day that shares the name of a human organ.
- Heart
Happy wife, ____.
- happy life.
What two colors do you mix to get pink?
– Red and White
Leave, especially to start a journey.
- Depart
This couple were the stars of American politics in the 1950s and 60s until he was shot dead in 1963.
- John and Jackie Kennedy
What is the name of the little winged baby that hits individuals with arrows to make them fall in love?
- Cupid
All is fair in____
- love and war.
This pink vegetable goes great with strawberries and put in pie.
– Rhubarb
To start again or anew.
- Restart
A Capulet and a Montague, star crossed lovers.
– Romeo and Juliet
The person that V-day is named after.
- St. Valentine
The way to a man’s heart____.
- is through his stomach.
A very popular sweet, fluffy treat that can be found at a circus.
– Cotton Candy
Award given to US military members wounded or killed in combat.
– Purple heart
This couple fought to the bitter end and the fight was decided by the throw of a Stone.
- David and Goliath
America's most popular greeting card company.
- Hallmark
Absence makes the ____.
- heart grow fonder.
The name of the greaser girl clique in the movie Grease.
– The Pink Ladies
Defeat or get the better of (someone) by being clever or cunning.
- Outsmart
This couple were the earthly parents of Jesus.
- Joseph and Mary
A fruit that looks like a heart.
- Strawberries
Opposites ____.
- attract.
A white sports coat and a pink ____.
- Carnation
A small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus.
- Wart
The Cat and Mouse team was created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera in 1940.
- Tom and Jerry
This is the official bird of Valentines Day.
- Dove
Beauty is in the eye.
- of the beholder.
This fruit tree makes beautiful pink blossoms.
Cherry Tree
A person with whom someone is having a romantic relationship.
- Sweetheart
He was a famous baseball player, and she was a famous movie star. Their marriage only lasted 9 months, she died in 1962.
- Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe
Along with Valentine's Day, this holiday sells the most flowers.
- Mother's Day
The heart wants ____ .
- What it wants.
He drove a pink Cadillac.
– Elvis