What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef
Someone called Sofia a mean name, she immediately started calling them mean names back.
Someone called Eric a mean name, he ignored them and kept walking.
Who did it better.
Why do you think Eric did the right thing?
Which of the coping skills below are unhealthy.
Getting Fresh Air, Talking to a Trusted Friend/Adult, Exercising, Playing Sports
Destroying Property, Taking Feelings Out on Others, Yelling at someone you don't like
Destroying Property, Taking Feelings Out on Others, Yelling at someone you don't like
What are the little yellow guys called in Despicable me?
What is this:
The food pyramid
True or False.
When I am out in the community it is okay to s false.tand close to a stranger.
When I am out in the community it is important to use personal space and keep my distance from all people, especially strangers.
Why do ducks make such great police officers?
Because they always quack the case!
John's parents took away his phone, he started throwing stuff around his bedroom.
Brian's parents took away his phone, he walked outside to get some fresh air.
Who did it better?
Please explain
True or False:
Exercise can be a healthy coping skill that helps you stay healthy both physically and mentally.
True, exercise is both physically and mentally rewarding and is a great way to help us feel better
Name Shrek's princess:
Princess Fiona
The name of this fruit is the same as it's color
I DON'T like what we are doing today at program!!! This sucks!!! I should react by doing this.
Try it anyway! The activity could end up being really fun, but you will never know if you don't try.
What did one eye say to the other eye?
Don't look now, but something between us smells.
Sheila is angry, she starts yelling and kicks a hole in her wall.
Jessica is angry, she storms off to her room, turns on her favorite music and sits on her bed.
Who did it better?
Please explain
What are clues to know when it's time to use my healthy coping skills?
When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behavior or your emotions. Or, when a staff reminds you that you need to use coping skills.
Name this character:
Darla - Finding Nemo
This vegetable is green and can be used for the main part of a salad:
I should _____ my _____ every time before making food. This is good hygiene.
Wash my hands
What do you call a happy cowboy?
Jolly Rancher!
Alex is nervous about a doctor's appointment. He takes deep breaths and reminds himself that he is just going for a check up and he will be ok.
Jacob is nervous about a doctor's appointment, he crosses his arms and refuses to get in the car to go.
Who did it better?
Healthy coping skills help us
a.) Deal with stressors in our lives
b.) Work through our emotions and problems
c.) Process our thoughts and emotions
d.) All of the above
All of the above
The four animals that escaped from the New York City Zoo and ended up in Africa. (Type of animal and their names)
Giraffe, Lion, Zebra, Hippo
Melman, Alex, Marty, Gloria
From the movie Madagascar
I am a protein. When you eat me, you could eat a leg or a wing. What am I?
True or False.
It is ok to sit on the couch and watch TV or play video games all day.
It is important to do something active for a minimum of 60 minutes (1 hour) every day. The more active we are, the better we feel!
What happens when you cross a sheep with a cow?
You get a baaaaaaad mooooooood
Tasha is mad at her friend because he doesn't want to do the same activity she does. She doesn't say anything to her. She just starts giving her the silent treatment and dirty looks.
Emily is mad at her friend because he doesn't want to do the same activities she does. She uses I statements to tell him how she feels and why she is upset. She does not yell, but makes sure her friend understands how she feels.
Who did it better?
Charlene gets in to a fight with her staff because they interrupted what she was doing. She decides to scream and call the staff names. Is this a healthy coping skill?
What could Charlene do instead?
What Disney villain has tentacles like an octopus?
Ursula from The Little Mermaid
This healthy dairy product is eaten with a spoon and comes in many flavors
True or False.
You see an old friend at the Mall. It is okay to run up and hug them.
What is False.
It is good to be friendly, but we should always remember to respect personal space.
What did the frog order for lunch?
A burger and a diet croak!
Elizabeth is very excited to share about her weekend with her friends. She begins interrupting everyone to tell her stories.
Samuel is very excited to share about his weekend with his friends. He patiently waits until everyone has finished checking in with each other and then starts to tell his stories.
Who did it better?
John has a lot of stress because of things happening at home. When he gets to program, he gets easily agitated with his peer who asks him over and over again, "what is wrong? Are you ok?" He gets so frustrated from this question that he yells at his brother to get his frustration out.
Is this a healthy coping skill and why or why not?
Talking with someone is a great coping skill. However, yelling at people is unhealthy and it may cause issues in our relationships.
What could John do instead?
What movie is this quote from:
"Laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams"
Monster's Inc.
This healthy grain is usually combined with water or milk and cooked in the microwave
When measuring foods, what does TSP stand for?
Why should you never trust a pig with a secret?
Because it's bound to squeal
John made plans to go to the zoo with Michael this weekend. Michael decided that he didn't want to go to the zoo, but would rather go to the beach instead. This upset John. He asked Michael if they could plan to go to the zoo another weekend instead, and chose to compromise and go the beach this time.
Marcy made plans to go to the zoo with Isaac this weekend. Isaac changed his mind and decided he wanted to go to the beach instead. This upset Marcy. She begins yelling and telling Isaac that he's a horrible friend and she will never make plans with him again.
Who did it better?
True or False:
Talking to others about problems in our lives is a healthy coping skill.
Talking to others allows us to share our emotions and problems so that we do not have to go through them alone.
Name the 5 emotions from the movie Inside out
Sadness, Joy, Fear, Disgust and Anger
This fruit has seeds on the outside:
What is a budget?
an estimate of income (money earned) and outcome (money spent).
Tracking what you spend and what you earn