This composer, known for his symphonies, was famously deaf by the time he wrote his Ninth Symphony.
Who is, Beethoven?
This Disney movie, featuring a lion cub named Simba ha, become one of the longest running Broadway plays with over 10,000 performances.
What is, "The Liong King"?
Though they're the spelled the same, we're not talking about the artist who sings about "Apple Bottom Jeans". This U.S. state is known as the "Sunshine State" and is famous for its oranges and theme parks.
What is, Florida?
This GL would be referenced when an Oregon customer processes a payment at 10PM Pacific Standard Time on a cancel effective date.
What is, "After Hours Payment" ?
When an Electronic Insurance Verification is requested in California, this program found in IBM/ HCL notes would be used.
What is, "State Reporting Database (Camp-db-05)" ?
Known as the "Queen of Pop", this artist's hits include "Single Ladies" and "Crazy In Love".
Who is, Beyoncé ?
This Marvel film is the king of the box office, featuring a superhero who claws his way to victory in the fictional land of Wakanda.
What is, "Black Panther"?
Known for his enthusiastic nature conservation efforts and for wrestling deadly saltwater crocodiles, this man's life was tragically cut short due to an accident while filming with a sting ray.
Who is, Steve Irwin?
Not just an awesome Christopher Nolan movie, but this effective date would be used when a request is made to add a discount to a New Business term after it was previously deleted due to lack of valid proof, and the proof indicates they qualified from the beginning.
What is, inception?
When submitting a request for a Manual Rate Adjustment for a driver deleted due to death, you would submit the request to this department which is a three-letter acronym.
What is, WFC?
This brass instrument, known for its slide, is commonly used in jazz and orchestras.
What is, a trombone?
You might need a "Spiel" to describe this director's impact, with blockbusters like "E.T" and "Jurassic Park".
Who is, Steven Spielberg?
Not to be confused with the ingredient found in Cajun dishes like red beans and rice, this organ in the human body is responsible for filtering blood and producing urine.
What is, the kidney?
Found in the "Delete/ Change Saved Credit/ Debit Card" GL, this is what we submit to have it completed.
What is an SRM Request?
After using your judgment based on the totality of the circumstances (including any outstanding claims, loyalty level, etc.) this process could be followed in the case where a customer mentioned identity theft causing returned payments.
What is a payment restriction dispute?
This influential artist, known for his eclectic style and hits like "Little Red Corvette" and "Purple Rain," changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol in 1993.
Who is, Prince?
This "liberated" actor, known for his iconic voice and presence, was nominated for Academy Awards for his roles in "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Million Dollar Baby."
Who is, Morgan Freeman?
In addition to being an awesome Sandra Bullock movie and amazing John Mayer song, this fundamental force, responsible for the attraction between masses, was famously described by Isaac Newton.
What is gravity?
Found in the "License Number" sales GL, this default number can be used in California for excluded/ list only drivers.
What is, 1 letter+ 7 numbers?
After confirming that Record Retention laws require Progressive to maintain all quote data, this process would be followed when the customer request confirmation that the quote information must be retained.
What is, "Delete Quote Response"?
Released in 1967, this Beatles concept album "produced" the songs "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "A Day in the Life."
What is, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" ?
This comedic reaction, often seen in sitcoms and movies, involves a character humorously expelling drink from their mouth in surprise or shock.
What is, a spit take?
This Russian author, known for his complex characters and philosophical theme, wrote "Crime and Punishment".
Who is, Dostoevsky?
This GL would be used in the case where a customer is offended by their policy number either beginning or ending with 911 or 666.
What is, "Superstitious Policy Numbers"?
This phone number would be used when a New York customer indicates their identity may have been stolen.
What is Fraud Assist at 877-238-5194?