This meaty delight can be up to a foot long and traditionally comes with red and yellow adornments.
A hotdog
This game has you draw 7 tiles to make words and may have you pulling out a dictionary to beat your friends.
- Scrabble
What was the name of Sinatra's band in the early 1930's?
- The Hoboken Four
If you are feeling sad you might be.
– Blue
The ball must pass over this and land within the court to be a successful hit.
- Net
A light sandal, typically of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and second toe.
- Flip flops
This card game is meant to be played solo. You just need yourself and a deck of cards.
- Solitaire
"..I traveled each and every highway. And more, much more. I did it, I did it...." Recorded in 1969.
- My Way
If you are jealous, you might be.
– Green with envy
The name given for 0 when the score in a set is 30-0.
– Love
This was invented in the 1870's to be used as a pie plate, now it just gets tossed around.
- A frisbee
This game requires 2 teams, a bouncy ball, and a hoop.
- Basketball
This classic film, now a Broadway musical, stared Sinatra and Marlon Brando, in 1955. Guys and.
- Guys and Dolls
If you are new at something you might be called a.
– Greenhorn
What handheld type of equipment is used to hit the ball from one opponent to another?
- Tennis racket
The first day of summer, and the longest day of the year.
- Summer Solstice
A popular form of this game is Texas Hold Em'.
- Poker
Frank Sinatra's parents are immigrants from this European country.
- Italy
Someone might call you this color to indicate you are a coward.
– Yellow
This area is located at each far end of the tennis court, signifying out of bounds if the ball passes over it?
- Baseline
These days, nicknamed after a popular animal, occur from July 3 to August 11.
- Dog Days of Summer
A game where you move your characters and try to capture a king.
- Chess
Sinatra was often criticized for having contacts with this organized crime group.
- What is the Italian Mafia
A color you turn when you are embarrassed.
– Red
The number of attempts a server is allowed to try when getting their serve in.
- Two
Flavored ice on a stick.
- Popsicle
This game has a board with red and black squares.
- Checkers
What was Frank Sinatra’s nick name?
– Ol’ Blue Eyes
If you look ill, as if you are going to vomit, you might be called this color.
– Green Around the Gills
This hit begins play and is done by hitting the ball overhead into opponent’s service box.
- A serve
This large fruit is green on the outside and pinkish red on the inside with little black seeds.
- Watermelon
This game has money, houses, hotels, properties, and railroads.
- Monopoly
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on.
- Jupiter and Mars
If you are good at growing things, you might have this.
– A green thumb
This tennis shot is done with the strong hand with the racket facing in a forward direction.
- Forehand
You build this on the beach.
- Sand Castle
This game has X’s and O’s and uses a pen/pencil, paper, and a grid.
- Tic-Tac-Toe
Someday, when I'm awfully low. When the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you and.
- The Way You Look Tonight
To describe a person’s face being very pale because they’re shocked or scared.
– White as a ghost
This tennis shot is done with the weak hand and the back of the racket facing the opponent.
- Backhand
When you eat outside on a blanket.
- Picnic
This game requires a plastic ball, 2 people, a table, and a small wooden paddle each.
- Ping Pong
These little town blues are melting away. I'll make a brand-new start of it, In
- New York, New York
If you get hit in the eye, it might give you this.
– A black eye
The name of the shot when the player hits the ball before it bounces on the court.
- Volley
This is worn on your skin to prevent burns in the Summer.
- sunscreen/sunblock
Sink your opponent before they sink you on this grid board game.
- Battleship
Where was Frank Sinatra born?
- Hoboken, New Jersey
An expression that says if you come from a wealthy or royal family your blood is this color.
– Blue Blood
A served ball must land in this box, there are 4 of them on a tennis court.
- Service Box