Types of sentences
Close reading strategies
Essay writing
English Trivia

FANBOYS is an acronym representing which words?

For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So


The first E in PREPARE stands for ________

Evaluate the first paragraph. Circle unfamiliar words and summarize.


Before composing an Expository or Persuasive essay, one should organize one's thoughts by using an ___.

Idea/Example chart


Inference is taking what you know and combining it with the evidence in a given text / image to figure out what a writer / artist is trying to say without actually stating it. True or false?


How tall is Mr. Moran?



A comma and a FANBOYS word can be used between two __________?

Complete thoughts


When one comes across an unfamiliar word in an article or story, one can determine its meaning by ___ or _______.

Looking it up or looking at context clues.


If one does not have a strong ________ in the hook of an essay, one will not score well on the essay. 

Thesis statement


What can be inferred from this text?

Mary and Beth were excited about Saturday.  They had planned a picnic in the park. They would ride their bicycles to the park, play for a while, go fishing, and eat the sack lunches they brought.  They were also looking forward to walking around the lake and feeding the ducks at the park. On Saturday morning, Mary hopped out of bed and looked out her window.  Her shoulders slumped and she frowned.

Responses will be given and the instructor will judge.


In the olden days, when Mr. Moran was rolling with Vatos Gringos, what was his street name?

Queso Blanco


A semicolon can be used between two _________.

Complete, related thoughts


The _____________ is the idea around which an entire essay, article, or story revolves.

Thesis or controlling idea


The thesis is a summary of the key ideas that will be explored in body paragraphs. The first thing listed in the thesis should be elaborated on in the _____ paragraph and the second thing in the thesis should be elaborated on in the ____ paragraph.

First body paragraph and second body paragraph.


What can be inferred from this text?

Mrs. Green just finished college.   She applied for a job at the school in town to be a first grade teacher.   She had wanted to be a teacher since she was a little girl.  She had heard that the school was looking for someone who had experience as a teacher so when she got a call from the principal to come in for an interview, she was happy and excited!  On the day of the interview, Mrs. Green went to the school and saw four other people there. 

They were also at the school for interviews.  All of them were older than she was and looked very confident. Mrs. Green’s heart “sunk”.

See instructor

Which celebrity would Mr. Moran most likely want to date?

Salma Hayek

Alicia Keys

Scarlett Johansson

Alicia Keys


When a Dependent clause starts off a sentence, one knows that a ________ should be included before the Independent clause that follows it.



The __________ is the key idea of an individual paragraph.

Main idea


In the conclusion of an essay, the writer should restate the thesis and offer _______ if the essay is Expository and restate the thesis and include a ______ if the essay is Persuasive.

Advice and Call-to-Action

What can be inferred from this text?

One Friday night Ben planned to go to a movie with Jane and Bob.

It was the newest action movie and he had wanted to see it for several weeks.  Friday afternoon Ben went to the store.  He picked out a candy bar and realized he didn’t have any money with him.  He stuck the candy bar in his pocket, turned to leave the store and was stopped by the store manager. “Let’s go call your parents, young man,” said the manager.

Ask instructor


How many tatoos does Mr. Moran have?



more than 3



I went to the store because I needed bread, but it was closed. This is an example of what type of sentence?



The last letter of PREPARE stands for 

Evaluate the answers in reverse order


TREQSSL is one way to compose body paragraphs so that they include transitional phrases, they reference the thesis, they include examples from life, they include quotes from someone in a situation like the one being described, so that they include sentence variety, similes and metaphors, and a _________.

Life lesson


What can be inferred from this text?

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

See instructor


Who did Mr. Moran vote for in the 2016 Presidential election?

