



What is the verb in this sentence?

I walked to school because I had missed the bus



What Type of fruit is a Peach

A Simple Fruit.


When was the Declaration of Independence signed

July 4, 1776


What does this chorus mean?

Attaché à la croix pour moi,
Attaché à la croix pour moi,
Il a pris mon péché et m’a délivré,
Attaché à la croix pour moi.

Attached to the cross for me,
Attached to the cross for me,
He took my sin and delivered me,
Attached to the cross for me.





One day as Kate was heading into class, she saw a new girl enter the classroom. Kate smiled at her and proceeded to her seat. Later that morning on the playground, Kate was playing tag with her friends and noticed the new girl, whose name was Leila, all by herself. She turned to her friends and asked, “Let’s ask Leila to play.” But her friends said no, they already had enough players. Kate really wanted to continue to play tag, but she also felt bad for Leila just sitting alone. Kate decided to leave the game and walk over to Leila. When she approached Leila, her face had a huge smile on it. “Hi!” said Leila. “Would you like to play with me?” asked Kate. Leila was excited to meet her new friend and, Kate had more fun getting to know Leila than playing a silly game of tag. 

What person is this told from?

Third Person


What is the meaning of germination?

When a seed begins growing.


Who had the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence.

John Hancock 


What does this mean?

Blanc, plus blanc que neige, (bis)
Lavé dans le sang de l’Agneau,
Mon coeur est plus blanc que la neige!

White, whiter than snow, x4
Washed in the blood of the Lamb,
My heart is whiter than snow!





What does the word setting mean?

The place of an event.


Used for reproduction in non-flowering plants.



When was the paper of Independence supposed to be signed?

July 2, 1776


What does this mean?

Pour me rappeler Gethsémani,
Pour me rappeler ton agonie,
Pour me rappeler ton coeur meurtri
Conduis-moi vers la croix.

Lest I forget Gethsemane,
Lest I forget thine agony,
Lest I forget thy love for me,
Lead me to Calvary.


Sue had finished three Christmas gifts before the first of December. After that she finished one gift each day. Which equation describes her work if G = gifts and D = days?

G = D + 3


Which is the correct homophone.

Lucy went to see\sea a movie



What do seeds need to germinate

Water, air, soil, and the correct temperture.


What is the oldest European-founded city in the United States and who founded it?

St. Augustine, Florida, founded in 1565 by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles of Spain.


What does this mean?

San ki chè pase lò
Ki wete m nan lanmò;
Nanpwen lòt sous ankò,
Anyen pase san Jezikri.

Oh! Precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Katie could already play five songs on her harp. She decided to learn two new songs each week. If S = songs and W = weeks, which equation expresses her goals?

S = 2W + 5


Who are the two main characters in this story?

It was Storyland’s first ever sports day, and everyone at Far, Far Away Fields was ready to take part. They were all excited, except for Prince Frederick, who hated sports. “I’ve always been terrible at it,” he confessed to Princess Elinor. “Apart from footie, I hated sports at school. I’ve got two left feet.” “If I could kiss you and turn you into an athlete, I would, but I already changed you from a frog into a human. It’s just for fun!” said Princess Elinor. Prince Frederick sighed. He didn’t think the words sports and fun belonged together. Just then, Daddy Bear’s booming voice cried, “All competitors for the beanbag race to the start line, please!” “I’ll give this one a miss,” said Prince Frederick sighing. A group of runners gathered at the start line, all balancing bean bags on their heads. There were the hare, the tortoise, Wee Willie Winkie, Cinderella, and the white rabbit - who kept checking his watch anxiously. “Surely Cinderella isn’t racing in glass slippers and a tiara!” gasped Prince Frederick. Princess Elinor nodded and gave a knowing smile. “On your marks, get set, go!” shouted Daddy Bear, and the runners sprinted away at full pelt.

Prince Fredrick and Princess Elinor.


What type of fruit is a fig

A multiple fruit.


What day was the Boston massacre and why was it fought.

March 5, 1770 and it was fought because the colonists were tired of being taxed of these three taxes

The Tea Act

The Townshend Act

The Stamp Act.


What does this mean?

Mwen konnen l vivan
M ap konte sou demen
Paske l vivan,
Enkyetid mwen ale
Paske m konnen,  O, m konnen
Li se tout lavi mwen
M ap konte jou pou l vin n chèche m
Paske l vivan.

Because he lives I can face tomorrow. Because he lives All fear is gone. Because I know oh I know he holds the future And life is worth the living just because he lives.
