She has brown hair. Her friends are Boots, Swiper and Backpack.
The characters all wear overalls. They are all yellow. They all wear round glasses.
It belongs to you, but your friends use it more.
Your name
It's a Disney movie about lions.
The Lion King
If you drop me I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back.
It involves puppets who are named Oscar, Ernie, Burt, Zoe and Grover.
Sesame Street
She loves the color blue, has ice powers and a sister whose name starts with A.
2 things can you never eat for breakfast
lunch and dinner
six rescue dogs named Skye, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Marshall, Chase, and they have a human named Ryder
Paw Patrol
The sheriff (main character) on Toy Story.
You can go up me. You can go down me. And I can't move.
Why was six afraid of seven
seven ate nine.
He is a yellow sponge. He has a friend who is a squid and another friend who is a Starfish.
He hates Christmas and he is green and mean to his dog.
Where do you find an ocean with no water?
Did you hear about the guy who cut off the left side of his body?
He's all right now.