The country Alaska originally belonged to
What is Russia
Napoleon's last name
What is Bonaparte
The "This is Fine" meme, stars what type of animal?
What is a dog
Color of blood (hint: not red)
You know what album I'm talking about ;)
What is Abbey Road
What is United Arab Emirates (UAE)
True or False. A hotdog is a sandwich
What is False - According to the American hotdog association and the British Sandwich club, a hotdog is not a sandwich.
Wii Sports most powerful Mii, who was sent to the heavens to help protect the Mii race from Extraterrestrial Threats.
The symbol for Silver on the Periodic Table
What is Ag
Finish the lyrics "ooh, I wanna dance with somebody..."
What is "I wanna feel the HEAT with somebody"
Name of a country that boarders Somalia (Multiple Answers Possible)
What is Ethiopia, Somalia, or Djibouti
The length of the Hundred Years' War
What is 116 years
The show with the most memes
What is Spongebob Squarepants
The state in which the only American Nuclear Test was conducted
Where is Nevada
When is 1987
Country's flag that consists of only red and white horizontally split
Indonesia or Monaco (Poland's red looking color is actually amarant)
A founder of Volkswagen
Who is Hitler
The brand of shirt Otis is wearing in the Otis Drip meme
What is Supreme
The symbol for Gold on the Periodic Table
What is Au
"Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix is about a man who wants to what?
What is kill his wife
Number of countries border France
What is 9 (Spain, Andorra, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Brazil, and Suriname)
The year when the book "Lord of the Rings" was released
What is 1954
Bad Luck Brian's real name.
Who is Kyle
The person who invented wireless technology
Nikola Tesla
British city that named four streets after each of The Beatles in 1981.
Where is Liverpool