Traditional color of the one-room schoolhouse
World's longest mountain chain, stretching 4500 miles across South America
The Andes
Hawaiian hip heaving
A dessert wine, or the left side of a ship
Originally at Lewistown, NY, this falls has over the years moved 7 times upstream
Niagara Falls
First home of American higher education, it educated JFK
Any 1 of 3 countries with territory on 2 continents
Turkey, Russia, or Egypt
Half the Earth
When water gets gassed
While Thatcher looks over Parliament, Parliament looks over this
The Thames
Brown v. Board of Education ruling outlawed this
Segregated schools
The direction you generally travel in sailing up the Nile river
A football "conference," or to gather together for warmth
Ancient Greek law made it illegal not to do this during the festival of Dionysus
To get drunk
The dam you need to make Lake Mead
Boulder/Hoover Dam
"Plumbum" in Latin, ancient Rome's plumbing was made of this heavy metal
"Mexican" region that also contains parts of Guatemala and nearly all of Belize
Bruce Banner's bulky bad side
The Hulk
Its name comes from the legend that the first one was stirred with a rooster feather
Lake Michigan
The German U-boats were this type of craft
A flat, elevated landform that rises sharply above adjacent land on at least one side is called this
A plateau
The measure of a horse
25.6 ounces
You can bet on the banks of this California-Nevada lake
Lake Tahoe