Name one of Grandma's nicknames
Momshki, Mee-maw
What is grandma's favorite outfit?
What part of her body is Grandma always breaking?
her toes
What's Grandma's favorite drink?
Ice Tea
What age is Grandma turning?
Which is one of the things that Grandma has done?
a)went sky diving
b)went on a hot air balloon ride
c)went scuba diving
b)-went on a hot air balloon ride
What is Grandma's favorite flavor of sucking candies?
What is Grandma's favorite type of TV show?
Soap Operas
Name one of Grandma's favorite games
Gen Rummy/Rummy 500, Solitare, Casino, Old Maid
What is Grandma's favorite thing to get from Bake Station?
What is Grandma's favorite ice cream place?
TCBY or Carvel's
What did Grandma eat in France that made her sick?
What did Marty exterminate from Grandma's house?
a mouse
What's Grandma's middle name?
What is Grandma's maiden name?
Who did Grandma hire to be the musical entertainment for Elana's (Ima's) Bat Mitzvah?
a harpist
What is Grandma's full Detroit address?
28355 Tavistock trail Southfield Michigan 48034
Where did Grandma and Grandpa go on their honeymoon?
Disney World
What animal knocked Grandma's kitchen clock off the wall?
What is Grandma's favorite store in Florida to get deals from?
what insect is always hiding in Grandma's kitchen drawers?
What is the one place that Grandma always gets nauseous in when she eats nuts?
The car
What state did the Muu Muu originate from?
In Grandma's house in Florida, what animal that is in a picture hanging on the wall (she says) looks like her and Grandpa?
The ostriches
Before Detroit, where did Grandma and Grandpa live?