Disney movie starring Anna and Elsa
What is the picture on a Loonie? ($1 Coin)
A Loon
French fries are made from this vegetable
Why did I go golfing with 2 pairs of pants on?
In case I get a hole in 1!
This game has a banker, a jail and fake money
This movie is about a fish who travels across the ocean looking for his son.
Finding Nemo
What is the name of the leaf on the Canada flag?
A Maple Leaf
What are 2 fruits have the same name as it's colour
Orange, Blueberry, & Plum
What has 1 head, 1 foot and 4 legs?
A bed
In this game, you need to get "4" in a row
Connect 4
This movie is about a family who each have super powers.
The Incredibles
What is the name of the province we live in?
British Columbia (BC)
This fruit grows on a vine and can be green or red
How do the oceans say hello to each other?
This game shares a name with something you might say to someone when you feel bad.
A movie/ book series about "the boy who lived"
Harry Potter
What are the first words of our National Anthem?
' O, Canada '
Bugs bunny likes to eat this vegetable
What did one wall say to the other wall?
I'll meet you at the corner!
You go around this board game full of sweet treats
Candy Land
In this cartoon movie, giant food falls from the sky! (it is also a book!)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
What is the national animal of Canada?
A Beaver
This vegetable is what pickles are made from
Where do cows go for entertainment?
Pull blocks from this tower and make sure they don't all fall down!