This is a huge obelisk in Washington, D.C. named after the first president of the United States
What is the Washington Monument?
This is the study of plants
What is Botany?
I'm Always __
What is angry?
This is my favorite color
What is yellow?
The volcano Mt. Vesuvius erupted in this ancient city in 79 A.D
What is Pompeii?
The vast majority of Yellowstone National Park is located in this state
What is Wyoming?
This is a flying mammal that resembles a mouse with wings and tends to live in dark environments like caves
What is a bat?
Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses. And get this man a __
What is a shield?
This is my favorite animal
What is an elephant?
This is the number of sides a Heptagon has
What is seven?
The French Quarter is located in this city
What is New Orleans?
This, also called germs, are microscopic organisms that can either make you sick or be incredibly helpful to your body
What is bacteria?
Just like __ all over again. You and I remember __ very differently
What is Budapest?
This is my favorite day, the date of my birth
What is September 30th, 2005?
The richter-scale measures the magnitude for this weather event
What is an earthquake?
The Liberty Bell is located in this state
What is Pennsylvania?
This is the process by which living organisms produce larger molecules from smaller ones
What is biosynthesis?
The last time I trust someone I lost a __
What is an eye?
This is my favorite food
What is chicken alfredo pasta?
Your femur bone is located in this body part
What is your leg?
Located in San Francisco, this island was originally a high security prison but is now being preserved as a museum and is open to tours
What is Alcatraz Island?
Abiotic factors are the nonliving physical and chemical conditions affecting organisms. This however is any living part of an environment
What are biotic factors?
I am _. I am_. I am_. These are the three different, unrelated words that can fit into these blanks.
What is Iron Man, Inevitable, Groot?
These are my top three favorite book series
What is Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Penderwicks?
Lisa gets up every morning and gets ready for school. She takes twenty-two minutes to get dressed, eighteen minutes to eat breakfast, and ten minutes to walk to school. This is the time that Lisa should get up so she can arrive at school at 7:25am
What is 6:35am?