In Daniel vision of the beasts, this place was symbolized as a Leopard with four heads and four wings.
What is Greece?
This illustration demonstrated the extent of the unstoppable growth of the Christian congregation and the spread of the Kingdom message. Though it started small, it grow rapidly, providing "lodging" and rest to righthearted individuals.
What is the parable of the mustard seed?
This group comes from all the nations. Together they have come out of the great tribulation, having washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
What is the great crowd?
When was 1935?
During these two events, two men were beheaded. These accounts shows us that Jehovah disapproves of the celebration of this.
What are birthdays?
In a dream, this person saw seven fat cows and seven very thin cows, seven full ripe grains of stalk and seven dried-out heads of grain.
Who was Pharaoh?
This parable alludes to the transformation the Kingdom message has on those who accept it and the pervasiveness of which the message spread to the most distant parts of the earth.
What is the parable of the leaven?
Horses in the Bible symbolized this.
What is warfare?
The Bible Students took on the name of Jehovah's Witnesses during this year.
When was 1931?
"Satan" is a Hebrew word meaning this.
What is the Resister?
This vision illustrated the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization made of up of faithful spirit creature.
(Ezekial 1:4-28)
What is Jehovah's Celestial Chariot?
The lesson of this parable is found at Luke 16:9, where Jesus urges his disciplines to "make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous riches" and using these materials assets to support Kingdom interests.
What is the Parable of the Unrighteous Steward?
This event foreshadowed Jesus’ sitting down on his glorious throne in 1914 to accomplish the Kingdom work. Only three apostles witnessed this event. It was also the third time Jehovah himself spoke.
What is the Transfiguration?
The proclaimation "Advertise! Advertise! Advertise the King and his kingdom" was made in this city and state.
Where is Cedar Point, Ohio?
Although false religion has made this place to be a fiery place of toment, it is simply the common grave of mankind. This original terms for this place are this.
What is Sheol or Hades?
In John's vision of these four, the first one to ride out was called the Word of God, the second one symbolized war, the third was famine, and the four one was pestilence and death.
What are the four horseman of the Apocalypse?
In Jesus' illustration of the workers in a vineyard, the master of the house hires workers at different hours of the day for a denarius. The lesson: The last will be first and the first, last. The full-time workers in this parable who expect greater pay refer to this group.
Who are the religious leaders and Pharisees?
In John's vision at Revelation 7:1-4, he saw four angels holding back these four things.
What are the four winds of destruction?
In 1924, the Watchtower Society started to broadcast talks on their own radio station. It was called this.
What is WBBR?
Because of Jesus Christ ransom sacrifice, Christians no longer need to follow this.
What are the Mosaic Laws or the Sabbath?
In Ezekiels vision at Ezekiel 37:1-10, Jehovah brought him to a valley plain and he see this lying in the valley plain. God put sinews and flesh, skin and breath into these.
What are the dry bones?
What is the parable of the sheeps and the goats?
In John's vision at Revelation 11:3-12, these two had the authority to shut up heaven and strike the earth with every sort of plague for 42 months. The wild beast kills them for tormenting those living of the earth, but they revive. Who are they?
The two witnesses or two prophets?
The early Bible Students used many different tools to relay the Kingdom message. One such tool was a small card with a short and simple Bible message the householder could read.
What is a Testimony Card?
The Bible was originally written in this three ancient languages.
What is Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek?