Problem Solving
Social Cues

Maria's mom looks out the window and says, "The grass is really looking shaggy." What does Maria's mom want her to do?

Cut the grass.


Jacob and some of his friends are having a picnic in the park. When Jacob gets to the park, he realizes he forgot to bring sunscreen. What could he do?

He could ask to borrow his friend's sunscreen.


June was bent out of shape because her parents grounded her and she couldn't play her video games. What does bent out of shape mean?

tired, very angry, exercising

very angry


You see someone sitting alone in a restaurant and they keep looking at their watch and then looking at the door. What are they thinking? What does their body language tell you?

They are annoyed. The person they are supposed to meet for dinner is late.


If everyone will contribute a dessert, we will have plenty of desserts to sell at the bake sale.

What does contribute mean?

To give something to help


Mr. Martinez came downstairs. When he saw the mess in the kitchen, he said, "Jose, come on, it's almost time to go. Let's get this show on the road. You know what you need to do." What does Mr. Martinez want Jose to do before they leave?

Hurry up and clean the mess up.


You're getting ready to leave for school. You can't find your jacket and it's really cold outside. The bus is about to show up. You look in the closet and see your brother's jacket. He doesn't go to work until the afternoon. He's still asleep because he worked late last night. What problem would you solve if you took the jacket? What problem might you cause if you take your brothers jacket? Do you think you should take the jacket? Why?

You would solve your problem of not having a jacket, but you make create a problem for your brother if he looks for his jacket and can't find it.

At the party, Cooper started eating a third sandwich. His friend looked at him and said "Oh my gosh, you eat like a horse!" What does eat like a horse mean?

You eat a lot.


It is the first day of school, you walk into the room and see a new  student with their shoulders slouched and their head down. What do you think this means? What could you do?

They are nervous or scared. You could say hi.


After he saw the crumbs, Dan had all the evidence he needed to prove their was a mouse in the house. 

What does evidence mean?

the facts, or proof


What would you think the temperature is where your cousin lives if he said, "It's like a sauna in here?"

It's really hot at her house.


Imagine that you have a cat. Your family is going on vacation and you'll be gone for a week. You cannot take the cat with you. What is the problem? What are 2 things you could do to solve the problem?

The cat cannot needs someone to feed it/ it cannot stay alone. You could take it someplace to board it, you could get a friend to take care of it...


Rocky has the best of both worlds he gets to play video games while making money by creating You Tube videos while doing it. What does the best of both worlds mean?

a great vacation, benefits you in 2 ways, all people are treated fairly

benefits you in 2 ways


You walk into a room and start to go up to someone to talk to them, but they turn away. What does this mean? 

They don't want to talk. 


When you have a sweet tooth, eating chocolate every day is essential.

What does essential mean?



Chloe asked Jessica to go to the library with her. Jessica said, "Gee, I don't know, I have a lot to do. I have errands to run and laundry to finish and I have to clean my room and take my dog for a walk." Do you think Jessica wanted to go to the library?

No. She was making excuses.


You're walking to school by yourself. You pass an alley and hear a whimpering sound. You look into the alley and see a dog lying next to a garbage can. It looks like it has an open wound on its leg that is bleeding, but you can't tell how bad it is because the alley is dark. You feel sorry for the dog. What would you need to do to see how bad the dog's injury is? What problem might occur if you get to close to the dog? What would be the best action to take? Why?

You should get something to give you light, like a flashlight. The dog may bite you. You should remember where the dog is and tell an adult to call the police or animal rescue.


Samantha was out like a light after playing baseball in the hot sun for 5 hours. What does out like a light mean?

to turn out the lights, to fall asleep quickly, to break a light bulb

To fall asleep quickly


You are having a conversation with Jermel who starts to look away and says "mm hmm." What do you think this means?

He is bored or uninterested. He doesn't want to talk anymore.


The delivery man carried the package with the flowers in a vase very carefully because he knew it was fragile.

What does fragile mean?

Delicate, easily broken


Esther said that her brother's room looked like a tornado had hit. What do you think her brother's room looked like? Why do you think it looked that way?

His room was messy. He probably didn't put any of his things away and just threw them all over the place.


Kyle and his friends want to see the new movie that just came out. When they got to the cashier, she told them the movie was sold out for 7:30 pm show. The boys decided to go to a different movie instead. What was the problem? How did they solve it? What else could they have done?

The movie was sold out. They picked a different movie. They could have waited or come back another day to see it.


Abigail started flying off the handle when she found out BTS cancelled their concert. What does flying off the handle mean?

To get really angry, to start yelling...


You are sitting in the classroom and a visiting student walks in, he looks around the room and then starts to walk to the front on the room. Why was he looking? Where is he going?

He was looking for a seat. He is going to sit down.

Some mushrooms are edible, but others will make you very sick if you eat them.

What does edible mean?

Able to be eaten. You can eat it.
