This open-source web browser was developed by the Mozilla Foundation on 09/23/2002
What is Firefox?
This space captain is the main character of a game created by Nintendo. This character then ends up as the protagonist in two out of three sequels.
Who is Captain Olimar?
This meme was created in 2012 featuring a ginger with a plaid polo.
Who is Bad Luck Brian?
This Sci-fi movie features an alien virus who appears at an arctic exploration, it infects the host and kills the other explorers
What is "The Thing"?
This tree is mostly recognized by the white bark on it's trunk.
What is a Birch Tree?
This children's magazine was created in 1946 by Garry Cleveland Myers and Caroline Clark Myers.
What is Highlights?
This famous Wii character is known for being the hardest opponent in Wii sports.
Who is Matt?
This popular meme was created in 2006 featuring a man expensive clothing.
Who is Scumbag Steve?
This movie was released on March, 29, 2018. In the movie almost every person in the world competes for the fortune of the creator of the game they are playing.
What is "Ready Player One"?
This red fruit is used for more than eating and it is guarded by spikes.
What is a prickly pear
This McDonalds sandwich was removed from the menu in 1985.
What is the McRib?
This character has only appeared in one game to help save your flat word but wished themselves away.
Who is Olivia
This meme was created in 2008 featuring a black and white face to represent a prank.
What is Trollface?
This movie features a Monkey dueling an overmutated reptile.
This lethal creature is commonly identified by the red hourglass on it's back.
What is a Black Widow?
These famous person and animal took a photo together before their deaths in 2018 and 2019.
Who are Stan Lee and Grumpy Cat?
Double Jeopady:
Name every water type starter Pokemon
Squirtle / Froakie / Totodile / Mudkip / Piplup / Sobble / Oshawatt / Popplio
This meme has a man checking another woman as he walks with a different woman
What is Distracted Boyfreind?
This movie is based off a game in which you kill for profit and advancement.
What is Assassin's Creed?
This plant is identified by its red berries and sharp leaves.
What is holly?
Who out-pizza the hut?
This character lost his soul and has to retrieve other souls for the devil.
Who is Cuphead?
This meme involves any color rectangle or oval with a second smaller shape one one end with a clear shape on the front of the first shape.
What is Among us?
This movie features a man who thinks it is a good idea to reanimate dead animals but it goes horribly wrong.
What is Jurassic Park?
The scientific name for this plant is hyacinthoides non-scripta.
What are Bluebells?