How old is Bradley?
What is 38 years old?
Besides gold and frankincense, what was the third gift from the wise men?
What is myrrh?
What is 175 years?
What is the number one major at Carroll?
What is Nursing?
What carbon-based gem is the hardest known to man?
What is a diamond?
How long have Bradley and Lesia been married?
Double points if you can get the year they were married
What is 16 years?
What city is often referred to as the "Holy City"?
What is Jerusalem?
Carroll's original logo resembles what sports team's current logo?
What is the Bears?
In 1976 Carroll introduced its Cultural experience program. How many classes does every student must take to complete this program today?
What is 4 classes?
In the Emperor's New Groove Kuzco is transformed into what animal?
What is a llama?
How many sports did Bradley play in college?
What is 3?
tennis, golf, and basketball
How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
What is ten plagues?
What classic college food was created by a Carroll alumi?
What is Spaghettios?
What is the smallest major at Carroll?
What is Applied Physics and Engineering?
This state used to hold the world's tallest building, however now it holds the world's 23rd tallest building.
What is Illinois?
What did Bradley Major in during is Undergrad?
What is a Church organization?
What two cities did God destroy with fire because of their great wickedness?
What is Sodom and Gomorrah?
President Gnadinger was inaugurated on March 16, 2018. She is Carroll's (Number) president?
What is the 15th president?
What year did Carroll start its nursing program?
What is 1983?
What Asian country has a law against chewing gum?
What is Singapore?
What did Bradley get a Master's in?
Who is the oldest brother of Joseph?
Who is Reuben?
The first classes that took place in Main Hall happen on January 11th of what year?
What is 1887?
How many Majors are offered at Carroll?
What is over 40 different Majors?
What animal is it illegal to cross the Minnesota bored while it is on your head?
What is a chicken?