
This is the purse ____ my friend gave me yesterday.

This is the purse that my friend gave me yesterday.


She is the teacher ____ gave me food.

She is the teacher who gave me food.


Those are the presents ____ my parents bought for my birthday.

Those are the presents that my parents bought for my birthday.


He is the new owner ____ moved into the house next door.

He is the new owner who moved into the house next door.


That is the movie ____ my friend wants me to watch.

That is the movie that my friend wants me to watch.


She prefers to watch movies ____ make her cry.

She prefers to watch movies that make her cry.


He bought all the books ____ are required for the class.

He bought all the books that are required for the class.


These are all of the correct answers, ____ you can find in the back of the book.

These are all of the correct answers, which you can find in the back of the book.


I usually like people ____ are nice to me.

I usually like people who are nice to me.


I am visiting America, ____ is very far away from home.

I am visiting America, which is very far away from home.


In the crowds were several students ____ arrived after school.

In the crowds were several students who arrived after school.


They were able to find no evidence against her, ____ was surprising.

They were able to find no evidence against her, which was surprising.


She wanted to buy a scarf ____ would look good with her clothes.

She wanted to buy a scarf that would look good with her clothes.


Before school starts, I want to buy a breakfast ____ will taste good.

Before school starts, I want to buy a breakfast that will taste good.


I plan to invite all of my friends for my birthday party, ____ is on October 31st.

I plan to invite all of my friends for my birthday party, which is on October 31st.


The students ____ did well on the test were not the ones ____ stayed up all night studying.

The students who did well on the test were not the ones who stayed up all night studying.


The dogs ____ ate all the food are the ones ____ the owner did not train well.

The dogs that ate all the food are the ones that the owner did not train well.


He gave me the textbook, ____ had all the questions, but did not help me with homework, ____ was very difficult.

He gave me the textbook, which had all the questions, but did not help me with homework, which was very difficult.


My mother cooked a dinner ____ tasted delicious, but made a dessert ____ did not taste good.

My mother cooked a dinner that tasted delicious, but made a dessert that did not taste good.


My younger brother plays piano every day, ____ is good practice, but is too tired to finish his homework after, ____ is bad for school.

My younger brother plays piano every day, which is good practice, but is too tired to finish his homework after, which is bad for school.


America has many different cultures ____ we can experience, and a lot of people ____ like to learn from each other.

America has many different cultures that we can experience, and a lot of people who like to learn from each other.


The city is very small, ____ I like, and has many people ____ are very kind.

The city is very small, which I like, and has many people who are very kind.


The school has many teachers ____ are smart, and many clubs ____ students can join.

The school has many teachers who are smart, and many clubs that students can join.


The movie has interesting characters ____ are all different, and beautiful songs ____ make great music.

The movie has interesting characters who are all different, and beautiful songs that make great music.


The ocean is a very large place ____ people can explore, but has a lot of garbage, ____ is terrible for the environment.

The ocean is a very large place that people can explore, but has a lot of garbage, which is terrible for the environment.
