Individual Coping Skills
For Fun
General coping skills
How would you handle it?
How would you handle it pt 2

How can listening to music be used a coping skill?

Listening to music can be relaxing and can help take your mind off of stressors.


Name a song that puts you in a good mood. 


What is the definition of Coping skills

Coping skills are things that we can do in-the-moment, when we are feeling lousy, to help us turn down the volume of our emotions


You are upset over something a peer said about you at school and you came home feeling mad, taking your anger out on your sibling


Due to not cleaning your room, your dad told you that you couldnt see your friends tomorrow. You go to your room, slam your door and punched a wall. How could you handle this differently?


How can participating in leisure activities be used as a coping skill?

Participating in leisure activities provides an opportunity to have fun, relax, and socialize with peers.


How many months have 28 days?

12 Months. All 12 months have atleast 28 days :) 


Name 3 positive coping skills.

exercise, art activities, talking to a friend, participating in leisure, and many more!


You didnt turn in your homework to your teacher. When you got home, your parents were upset because they reminded you multiple times


You start to feel yourself isolating from your family, staying in your room, and not engaging with anyone. You feel sad all the time, and nothing is fun anymore. What should you do?


How can exercising be used as a coping skill?

Exercising increases your energy and mood, focus, self-esteem and releases feel good endorphins into your brain. It also decreases your stress, depression, and chance of heart attack or other health conditions


What can you catch from a Vampire in the winter?



Name 3 negative coping skills.

Self-harm, withdraw/isolation, fighting, bottling feelings up, and many more


You are starting to feel overwhelmed trying to balance school, social activities and important appointments. 


You've graduated from therapy where you have learned so many different coping skills, ways to communicate your feelings and ways to interact with your family and friends. It has been 4 months and you feel that your irritable, sad and overwhelmed with everything. What should you do?


How will you use coping skills in the future?

Name an activity you and your family can do together in the fall

Name one stressor in your life and a positive way you can cope with that stressor.


You are walking around with your friends. One of them tells you that the other day the stole a pack of gum from the store, they think it would be cool if you did the same. What do you do?


this coping skill technique is used to help a person when they are anxious. It utilizes the senses

Grounding Exercise


Name 3 family values that your family follows. 


Why do we use coping skills?


You and your Mom got into an argument over your chores. You are expected everyday to clean your room and take out the trash. She asks you to give her your phone as the consequence to not doing your chores is losing the phone for a week. How do you handle this?
