Female Toad with infatuation powers in the hit 2017 game Mario Run
Who is Toadette
This famous movie used over 20000 extras in order to film a realistic battle
What is The Lord of the rings: The Two Towers
Where is China
A bhadly behaved teenager went on doctor phil and became famous for this dated Phrase
Cash Me Ousside, Howbow Dah?
After the introduction of religion in 0001 the many attempts to recapture the holy land were dubbed this
The Crusades
The three parts of the Triforce in BOTW
what are Power, Wisdom, Courage
This famous movie shows it's main character jamming a metal rod into a motorcycle's front weel causing the motorcycle to flip into the air
Indiana Jones 3
Motorcycle Chase - Indiana Jones III - YouTube
The only US state without a straight line in its border
where is Hawaii
you've heard of "Sailor moon on a spoon" now get ready for this
Elf on the shelf
After WWI the US entered this era of decrepitude that could only be solved by war
what is the great depression
The Crafting table's first name in early versions of minecraft
what is a Workbench
This famous movie series used matte paintings by Chris Evans to fill in impressive backgrounds
Star Wars
A type of seeded grape used primarily for juices and wines
This famous song by Big Shaq was quoted often after it's release in October
what is MANS NOT HOT
The forced displacement of 60000 Native Americans over the course of a decade modernly described as a genocide
What is the Trail of Tears
This famous video game's creator, Alexey Pajitnov, almost didn't complete his game because he was addicted to playing the prototype
what is Tetris
This famous movie uses forced perspective to create a character much bigger than those around him in it's festive opening scenes
what is Elf
Kane Tanaka, the worlds current oldest person, is this age
what is 119
This common template is often used to mock a phrase that was probably already stupid on its own
wHaT iS MoCkiNg sPoNgEbOb
in May of 2002 this famous comedian was born
who is Alden
Tshis first-person shooter was the first of its kind
What is Wolfenstein 3D
This famous black-and-white movie used a matte painting in the foreground to insinuate that the main character could fall into the abyss while on roller skates
what is Modern Times
what is the 200M Race
This common template still used today came about when a stock photo by Antonio Guillem garnered international fame
what is distracted boyfriend
In 1478 this tribunal was founded to root out heretics by the catholic monarchs resulting in the deaths of thousands
what is the Spanish Inquisition