This animal has clear hair
What is a Polar Bear
Chocolate Rain was originally about what?
What is racism against African Americans in the United States.
What are the inputs for the infamous Konami code?
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start
The tallest peak in the world
What is Mount Everest
What is Pokemon short for?
What is Pocket Monsters
The largest organ in the human body
What is skin
What was the first ever Viral Video
The best selling console of all time
What is the Playstation 2
This country spans 11 time zones
What is Russia
This melody was the cause of many controversies in the Pokemon fandom
What is Lavender Town
This letter is not in any state name
What is Q
What is the Dancing Baby
The first ever Smash Brothers guest character
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog
This continent covers 4 hemispheres
What is Africa
These two games were supposed to be the last of the series
What is Gold and Silver
This NASCAR driver was nicknamed "The Intimidator" by their rivals.
This meme format created in 2009 is the origin of the most well known memes
What is a rage comic
What was Pacman's original name?
What is Puckman
The largest U.S. state
What is Alaska
This pokemon has over 400 variations
What is Splinda
The deepest place on earth
What is Mariana Trench
The real name of the Grumpy Cat
Who is Tardar Sauce
This game is smaller than a picture on your phone, but it was a hit back in 1985
What is Super Mario Brothers
The worlds largest desert
What is Antartica
Pikachu is a Japanese onomatopoeia for what?
What is squeaking and shimmering