What is the capital of Massachusetts
How many signs are there in the Zodiac?
What is 12
What is McDonald’s most famous sandwich?
McDonald's most famous sandwich is the Big Mac, a burger that's been a staple on the menu since the 1960s:
cWhat does it mean to say some AA meetings are "closed" or "open"?
Closed indicates only alcoholics attend, whereas open invites anyone to attend
What classification of drug does Meth fall under?
Meth is a stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system. It triggers massive releases of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine (along with other neurotransmitters) that lead to a number of extremely powerful euphoric effects, increases in energy, feelings of invulnerability, and other psychoactive effects.
What is the capital of Illinois
What does Fe stand for on the periodic table?
What is Iron
McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of what?
What is toys
in the world, and by far. Twenty per cent of all sales at McDonald's include a toy, with one being passed out with each Happy Meal the company sells.
AA members approaching new members for romance or dates is sometimes referred to as....
What is the average age children experiment with drugs.
What is the capital of Pennsylvania
What does a Scoville unit measure?
What is Spiciness
William "Bill" Rosenberg opened his first Donut shop in 1950. He sold sweet cakes and coffee. This coffee shop is now know as what?
What is Dunkin Donuts
While his initial shop in 1948 was named "The Open Kettle", he later changed the name to Dunkin' Donuts in 1950.
Each group has a GSR, what does it stand for
When you're a general service representative (G.S.R.)
You are linking your home group with the whole of A.A. In 1950, a new type of trusted servant, “group representative,” was suggested to help in the selection of delegates to the newly formed General Service Conference.
Which 3 substances have the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms?
alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids.
What is the capital of West Virginia
What is the largest desert in the world?
What is Antarctic Desert
is the largest desert in the world, covering 14.2 million square kilometers (5.5 million square miles):
What was the first fast-food chain to offer salads nationwide?
: Wendy’s, in 1992
was the first fast-food chain to offer salads nationwide in 1979 when they introduced their salad bar:
Wendy's introduced Fresh Salads to Go in 1992.
Daily double if you can provide the year
What year did the first woman join AA
What two substances account for the majority of deaths in the western world?”
Alcohol and tobacco o (FYI: people sometimes assume that illegal drugs are the most dangerous substances, yet because of their wide use and harmful effects, these two legal substances are obviously unsafe.)
What is the capital of North Dakota
What blood type is the most common? (Include which letter and if it is the positive or negative type.)
What is O Positive
The first drive-thru as we know it today-- complete with an intercom system for ordering is known as what restaurant?
was officially launched in 1948 by In-N-Out Burger in Baldwin Park, California.
The first meeting between Bill W and Dr. Bob happened in what year and what City/State?
1935 Akron Ohio
Bone marrow damage, liver and kidney damage, blackouts, limb spasms,hearing loss and the loss of brain cells are consequences from abusing what type of drugs?
What are inhalants?