Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness

What are the steps in the TIPP skill? 

Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation


WISE MIND lies between ____ mind and ____ mind

Emotion mind, reasonable/rational mind


What are the goals of emotion regulation?

Increase our awareness and understanding of our emotions, identify what information our emotions give us, decrease the frequency of unpleasant emotions, decrease vulnerability to experiencing unpleasant emotions. 


What are the four communication styles?

Passive, Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive, Assertive


What is one fun fact about another group member? Think about ice breakers and what people have shared.

Anything goes!


It's difficult to do many things while we are in crisis, much less use distress tolerance skills. What's one way to make these skills easier to use?

Practice distress tolerance skills while not in crisis so it becomes easier to use when you need it.


What is mindfulness, and how can you practice it?

Mindfulness is being in the present moment (not ruminating on the past or worrying about the future), and observing our thoughts/experiences non-judgmentally to change our relationship with thoughts rather than changing the thought itself. 


Describe the ABC emotion regulation skill

A: Accumulate Positive Emotions (short term and long term)

B: Build Mastery (Do things that make you feel competent and effective)

C: Cope Ahead (Rehearse a plan to prepare for emotionally dysregulating events)


What communication style do you typically use, and what are pros and cons of this style?

Passive, Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive, Assertive


What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


What are the components of a Self-Sooth kit? *BONUS POINTS: What is in your self-sooth kit?

A kit of ~5 items, each pertaining to a sense (Sight, touch, sound, smell, taste).



What are at least three ways to practice mindfulness/cognitive defusion?

Mindfulness exercises, reframing thoughts to say "I'm having the thought that ___," thanking your mind after thoughts, saying the thought in a strange voice, be in the present moment, practice acceptance of thoughts without trying to change them.


How have you, or how could you, use emotion regulation skills outside of session?

Anything goes!


How can you communicate assertively? 

Show confidence in your thoughts and feelings, use "I" statements, label behaviors not people, use DEARMAN skills


Describe how you used a skill you've learned from group? 

Anything goes!


What is Radical Acceptance, and what is something you could Radically Accept in your life?

Acknowledging reality as opposed to fighting it, identify what is and is not in our control, recognize that rejecting reality does not change it, look at our situation non-judgmentally (stick to the facts). 


Describe a time you have used mindfulness/defusion outside of session

Anything goes!


What are some things that you notice increase your vulnerability to experiencing challenging emotions? *BONUS POINTS for knowing the acronym we discussed that talks about this

The PLEASE acronym: Physical illness, balanced eating, avoid mood altering substances, balanced sleep, exercise.

Could also include many other things, like isolating, cognitive distortions, etc.


What does DEARMAN stand for, and describe a time you've practiced it or a time you could practice it

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate


What is the goal of DBT? In other words, what do distress tolerance, emotion regulation, mindfulness, and interpersonal effectiveness all work towards

Improved self-management


What is a safety behavior, and how should we use Distress Tolerance skills so that they don't become safety behaviors?

Safety behavior: A response to distress, fear, or anxiety that avoids or lessens these emotions. Overtime, this promotes avoidance and intolerance of such emotions and makes them more unmanageable. 

Only use distress tolerance skills in crisis/truly overwhelming situations, not for everyday discomfort.


What is Cognitive Defusion?

The process of noticing thinking as just thinking without judgement. Being an observer of our thoughts as opposed to being our thoughts (cognitive fusion). 


What are some differences between emotional awareness and emotional autopilot?

Autopilot: focus on past/future emotions (worry), allowing behavior to follow emotion, self-critique or shame for experiencing certain feelings, acting to get rid of emotions rather than acting in line with values

Awareness: present moment, allow self to experience emotions and to notice the thoughts and urges that arise as an observer, noticing the function of your emotions (you are not "crazy" for feeling sad, rather this sadness is telling your something and is valid), and choosing how to respond to emotions behaviorally.


What is ineffective about this communication: 

"You're really disrespectful when you forget about your chores. If you forget to do the dishes one more time, I'll ground you. All you wanna do is just lay around all day. When did the world start revolving around you?!"

*BONUS POINTS: Which of the "dirty dozen" are present here?

Nothing is effective about this. Labeling people not behavior, and this person never asserts themself or uses I statements. 

Dirty dozen: Warning/threatening, Judging/criticizing, Interpreting/analyzing, kidding/sarcasm


What has been one thing, skill, or useful experience that you've gotten out of group?

Anything goes!
