What is the most utilized service they offer?
When you can you contact Cook Counseling?
What does Hokie Wellness do?
Helps students with personal wellness
What are the two types of accommodations SSD offers?
Housing & Classroom
What is the Dean of Students
General support for students here at campus
Where do you schedule an appointment?
Are the meeting with Cook Counseling confidential?
Yes, the are confidential
Does Hokie wellness offer support for substance abuse?
Is SSD only for physical and learning disability?
Is the Honor Code part of the Dean of students?
Where is the Student Success Center located?
4th Floor of the library
How do you schedule an appointment?
Call them or a referral
Does Hokie Wellness offer support of academic tutoring?
Where is SSD located?
Lavery Hall
What is the Market Of Virginia Tech for?
Food assistance
How many different kinds of tutoring does the Student Success Center offer?
How many locations do they have?
Four- the main location is on Oak Lane, and on campus it is in East Eggleston
What building is Hokie Wellness located in?
McComas Hall
During what time a year can your request accommodations?
All Year
What is the student emergency fund?
A one time grant for students in need of emergency financial aid
Does the Student Success Center offer classes?
What is an embedded counselor?
Counselor working for a particular college
Does Hokie Wellness offer any Counseling services?
How many types of classroom accommodations does SSD offer?
Nine types
Can the Dean of Student verify your absence due to a student organization or trip?