12 Step Trivia
Toothbrush Therapy
Celebrities in Recovery
Beachcomber Rules
Addiction Facts

The step asking us to make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

What is Step 4?


Number of principles of Toothbrush Therapy.

What are 5?


 She has had a career spanning decade, but she is most famous for her role in the Halloween horror movie series. Little did anyone suspect that over the years, she had developed a serious opioid addiction resulting from prescribed painkillers after plastic surgery.

Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?


Something you can't drink on the property.

What are energy drinks?

The most drug-addiction country.

Where is Iran? About 14 million Iranians are addicted to drugs.

Something that can restore us to sanity.

What is a power greater than ourselves?


Who we should be talking to every day.

What is someone in recovery?


He began using drugs as a child actor, and quickly became addicted as a teen. He would use just about any drugs including heroin and cocaine. He was arrested several times for a variety of possession charges and other crimes fueled by addiction. Eventually, he was able to seek treatment that actually worked and he picked up the pieces of his career and made a magnificent comeback. In the MCU. 

Who is Robert Downey Jr?


Substance you may not know you can't drink while in this program.

What is Kava or Kratom?


This accounts for about 40% to 60% of a person’s risk of addiction.



Humbly ask God to remove these.

What are our shortcomings?

Who we should be communicating with morning and night.

What is my Higher Power?


She was a 17-year-old actress on family-friendly TV when, she says, she first used cocaine. As her singing career took off, so did her problems with drugs and alcohol. In 2010, she first sought treatment for addiction, along with mental health issues including bipolar and eating disorders. She has addressed her ongoing recovery in interviews, on social media, and in her music.

Who is Demi Lovato?


Whether or not you are able to leave the property while here during the day for any reason.

What is .... nope


Percentage of suicides caused by alcohol or other drugs.

What is 50%?


Created the 12 Steps.

Who is Bill Wilson?


The kind of meeting we should be attending after the first 90 days.

What is any meeting promoting personal, spiritual or recovery growth? 


Most recently in his hit movie “A Star Is Born” the actor had to rely on his past experience with addiction to round out his character’s performance. In an article posted in Variety Magazine, he discussed his own personal battle with alcoholism that nearly ended in suicide.

Who is Bradley Cooper?


Another name for keeping a secret about if another client is using while in the program.

What is keeping negative contracts?


Average age when children first experiment with drugs.

What is age 13?


The year the 12 Steps were created.

When was 1938?


The day of the week that Toothbrush Therapy Group is.

What are Wednesday mornings?


He has a reputation as a strong, opinionated rapper who isn’t afraid to get the heart of a subject. He is viewed by many as one of the greatest rappers to ever live. He has enjoyed much success throughout his career, but even he fell victim to addiction and even overdosed on prescription pills in 2007.

Who is Eminem?


I would like to go home with this other client so we can go to a meeting. Is that ok? 

What is no!!!


Who are the two founders of AA?

Who are Bill Wilson and Bob Smith? 
