Types of Hypotheses!
Significance and Inferential Errors
Increasing Power
Replication & Validity
Confounding and Extraneous Variables

What statistical hypothesis do we test in inferential procedures?

A) Research hypothesis

B) Null hypothesis

C) Alternative hypothesis

B) Null hypothesis!


What are the 2 significance levels?

.05 and .01


Will using a higher alpha value increase or decrease our power?

It will increase the power! 


What is external validity?

The extent to which you can generalize the findings of a study to other situations, people, settings, and measures. 


Why do we use statistical procedures?

A) Because math is fun!

B) Because professor Rooney told us to.

C) Because statistical procedures help us estimate the influence of extraneous variables on the DV.

B) Because professor Rooney told us to.

Just kidding... The answer is: 

C) Because statistical procedures help us estimate the influence of extraneous variables on the DV.


What does a conceptual hypothesis state? 

Conceptual hypotheses state the expected relationships between concepts.


 ______ is the level of significance chosen by the researcher to evaluate the null hypothesis.



By increasing the sample size in your research, will it increase the power? Why?

Yes, because that way there is more possibility for a stronger effect


What is internal validity?

The extent to which you can be confident that a cause-and-effect relationship is established in a study cannot be explained by other factors.


Extraneous variables that (are /are not?) manipulated by the researcher can influence the ______.

Are not; DV


What are the 2 types of statistical hypotheses?

Null hypothesis & Alternative hypothesis


The probability of a type two error is called?



By increasing the alpha variable, can it also increase the issues of type 1 error?

Yes! It can increase the issues of type 1 error


What happens when you do another study and find the same thing?

The probability that you have made an error of inferences drops.


What is a spurious effect?

A) An uncontrolled variable that produces a false effect

B) A variable that has an effect on the IV

C) A variable that is not manipulated by the researcher

A) An uncontrolled variable that produces a false effect


To test a ________ hypothesis, concepts need to be ________, which is describing in detail how the concept will be measured.

Conceptual; Operationalized 


A type two error can only occur if the ____ is ____.

Null; False


What is an example of a common misconception in statistical research? 

A)The independent variable can be interchangeable with the dependent

B) Statistical significance means that it is important to research results

C) Having a higher sample size will make it more difficult to get clearer results than a small group?

B) Statistical significance means that it is important to research results


How would you replicate a study? 

A) The researcher who completed the first study, uses the same participants and redoes the study.

B) A researcher repeats a study's procedure and observes.

C) A different researcher builds off previous research to find out a different hypothesis

B) A researcher repeats a study's procedure and observes.


Extraneous are called______ when they are related to the _____ and have an effect on the ______ .

A) Participant variable; secondary variable; IV

B) Repetition; external validity; internal validity

C) Confounding variable; IV; DV

C) Confounding variable; IV; DV
